Kōnane is an ancient two-player board game from Hawaii.
GameManager is the core of Gameplay, such as generation of the pieces, controling state of the pieces and the boards.
GameStepPipeline controls the whole game life time, such as GameBegin, GameOver...
The each Board is generated by random uv, so that you can see its texture seems different with the others.
It supports any square size of the checkerboard.
You can start from Initialize scene to enjoy the game with complete pipeline, or just start from Game scene to play the game directly.
You can play it on PC or mobile(apk, ipa) platforms as well(just click it!). I'm not good at this game. smile~ (>.<)
- Use row and column respectively instead of BoardRowsCount.
- Implement the gameplay with 9 * 13 or any irregular size of checkerboard.
- Add sound effect.
- Add Tutorial mode.
- Implement the AI to support Single Player mode.