Release version 2.6.0
If you did use the following statement in your custom UI plugin, this
change is breaking, as UpcastConverters and DowncastConverters is not exported anymore:
import {UpcastConverters, DowncastConverters} from 'ckeditor5-exports'
Background: CKEditor5 12.x removed this API as explained in their
Upgrade Guide in section "Conversion helpers"
How to fix: Use the new API as described in the upgrade guide of CKEditor5.
TASK: Add sponsor button for neos funding
TASK: Update to CKEditor5 12.X
BUGFIX: Allow compiling ui plugins again
Many thanks to all Contributor:
@Sebobo @skurfuerst @markusguenther
All changes in this release: 2.5.0...2.6.0