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08D MFA External Provider

redhook edited this page Nov 23, 2024 · 6 revisions

MFA External Provider

The external provider as no implementation, just some samples. Initially, we implemented a module working with Azure MFA for mobile notifications, we also realized modules for our customers working with SMS appliances. To develop your own component you must implement the IExternalProvider interface or derive your component from the BaseExternalProvider abstract class. The interface IExternalOTPProvider is much simpler for the implementation, but it is deprecated today.
These interfaces and the necessary classes are found in the Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Common assembly. More details in chapter "Development".

Usually, this extension is used for sending SMS or notifications to the user.

We have developed several solutions of this type for our customers.

(8 sim cards : "S100 gateway" see :

You can implement whatever you want ...

Please, look at the "Quiz" example, which seems a good inspiration...

Several examples are provided

  • Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Samples
    • QuizProviderSample a full implementation of IExternalProvider, with one and two way interactions.
      You must watch at this project if you want to develop your own provider.

    • NeosOTPProvider430 a full implementation of IExternalProvider for TOTP provider replacement (4 dgits every 30 seconds)

    • NeosSMSProvider a full implementation of IExternalProvider for Azure MFA (old aPI, PhoneFactors)

    • SMSCall a legacy implementation of IExternalOTPProvider for Azure MFA (old api, PhoneFactors)

Managing MFA External Provider

You can view or modify your Provider configuration.

To view your configuration you must use PowerShell applets or the MMC.

  • Log on the a primary ADFS server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • type get-help Get-MFAProvider –detailed to get information.
  • type get-help Set-MFAProvider –detailed to get information.
  • Enter your command
Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType External
$c = Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType External
Set-MFAProvider -ProviderType External $c

MFA External Provider Properties

Property Value Comments
Enabled True Does the provider is accessible to users
EnrollWizard True/False Does the provider supports Wizards, and Wizard is accessible to users
EnrollWizardDisabled True/False At registration, if the provider is not required, you can bypass the the wizard.
ForceWizard(1) Disabled Values can be Disabled, Enabled, Strict
When a user select "I do not have the code". After successfull authentication, if enabled or strict, the user MUST execute the wizard to register all the required properties
If Strict the user cannot cancel the opération
PinRequired False Does MFA require an additional code PIN
Company string Name of your company (Contoso Corp),
This value can be displayed in the messages transmitted to users
Sha1Salt string a text string, that can be used as a Salt
IsTwoWay boolean boolean for information if one way or two way mode is available
Timeout int Information for Timeout
FullQualifiedImplementation string To enlist your External provider, you must specify the Full Qualified replacement class
You MUST implement IExternalProvider or subclass BaseExternalProvider abstract class
Parameters string Configuration parameters passed to the component

(1) Only available with PowerShell


$c = Get-MFAProvider -ProviderType External
$c.TimeOut = 300
$c.IsTwoWay = $True
$c.Company = "contoso corp"
$c.FullQualifiedImplementation = "Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Samples.QuizProviderSample,Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=175aa5ee756d2aa2>"
    $c.Parameters = "Myparameter=MyValue, value1=1, value2=2
Set-MFAProvider -ProviderType External $c

Managing MFA External Provider with MMC

  • Log on the a primary ADFS server as administrator
  • Launch MMC snappin