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Crash Prediction

This project aims at predicting car crash severity in New Zealand, using publicly available data from NZTA.


First make sure you have Git, Miniconda and make installed on your computer.

Then open a terminal and clone this repository:

git clone

Use make to create a conda environment and install all dependencies:

cd crash_prediction
make venv

The conda environment is created in the local venv folder.

Note: If you are on NeSI HPCs, use make venv_nesi instead.

Now you can run the provided notebooks using the crash_prediction kernel, or use the scripts detailed in the next section.

Getting Started

You can either use the following scripts or run the full pipeline using Snakemake (more details below):

  • the cas_data script is used to download and preprocess CAS data,
  • the models script is used to fit a model and make predictions,
  • the evaluate script generate summary tables and plots.

Before using any script or Snakemake, make sure that you activate the conda environment:

cd crash_prediction
conda activate ./venv

If you want to use the scripts, first you need to retrieve the CAS dataset, using the cas_data script:

mkdir data
cas_data download data/cas_dataset.csv

Then prepare the dataset, i.e. select relevant colums, filter NaN values, etc.:

mkdir results
cas_data prepare data/cas_dataset.csv -o results/cas_dataset.csv

Use the models script to fit a model, here a k-nearest neighbors model:

models fit results/cas_dataset.csv results/knn_model/model.pickle --model-type knn

and make predictions using the fitted model:

models predict results/cas_dataset.csv results/knn_model/model.pickle results/knn_model/predictions.csv

Once you have trained one or more models, you can create some performance plots with the evaluate script:

evaluate results/summary results/cas_dataset.csv results/knn_model/predictions.csv --labels knn

Predictions can be visualized on a map using the visualize script:

visualize results/cas_dataset.csv results/*_model/predictions.csv

For each script, you can use the -h or --help flag to get detailed explanations about the options. For example:

model fit -h

Note: When fitting a model, hyperparameters are automatically set using various strategies depending on the model (random search, grid search, ...) that can benefit from parallelisation. Change the --n-workers parameter to run models fit on multiple processes. If you are running the code on the HPC, you can also use --use-slurm flag to distribute computations on multiple nodes.

Full pipeline with Snakemake

You can run all previous steps (data preparation, model fitting, predictions and evaluation) in a coordinated way using Snakemake:

snakemake -j <cores>

where <cores> stands for the number of CPU cores to use for the workflow.

There are a couple of interesting options to be aware of to make your life easier:

  • use -n to see what will be (re-)computed without actually running anything,
  • use -p to print the command line associated with each step
  • use -k to continue running the workflow even if one target failed.

If you are using the HPC and want to make use of the Slurm backend for parallel model fitting, use --config USE_SLURM=True:

snakemake -j 1 --config USE_SLURM=True

For testing purpose, you can also reduce the number of iterations of hyperparameters optimization via the N_ITER configuration:

snakemake -j 1 --config N_ITER=1


Performance plots for the latest run are available in the results/summary folder:

curves scores

These scores can also be downloaded as a .csv file.

The classifiers being probabilistic, one should particularly pay attention to the calibration curves to ensure that the prediction has a good coverage.


Notebooks have been used for exploratory work:

Note: the notebooks have been written as Python scripts and converted into notebooks using Jupytext.


This project is published under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you have any question or comment on this work, do not hesitate to contact us: