This is a demo of how you can use Pusher Beams within a social network application to send push notifications based on the users settings. The backend is built using Laravel.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- A Mac with Xcode installed.
- Knowledge of using Xcode.
- Knowledge of the Swift programming langugage.
- Knowledge of PHP and Laravel.
- Laravel CLI installed on your machine.
- SQLite installed on your machine.
- A Pusher beams API Key. Create one here.
- Cocoapods installed on your machine.
- Have completed part one of the article.
- Pusher Beams - Send push notifications easily
- Laravel - Awesome PHP framework
- Xcode - IDE for developing iOS applications
- Swift - Modern fast programming language