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SKIP clause

Marijn van Wezel edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 1 revision

The SKIP clause defines from which row to start including the rows in the output. It takes the number of rows to skip.

Query::skip(int|IntegerType $amount): Query


  • $amount : The amount to skip.

Relevant methods

  • setSkip(int|IntegerType $skip): self : Set the amount to skip.


Skip first three rows

$n = node();
$query = query()

$this->assertStringMatchesFormat("MATCH (%s) RETURN ORDER BY SKIP 3", $query);

Return middle two rows

$n = node();
$query = query()

$this->assertStringMatchesFormat("MATCH (%s) RETURN ORDER BY SKIP 1 LIMIT 2", $query);

Using an expression with SKIP

$n = node();
$query = query()

$this->assertStringMatchesFormat("MATCH (%s) RETURN ORDER BY SKIP (5 ^ 2)", $query);

External links