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A CLI for pull request to changelog markdown generator for github


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PRacticle - the pr-activated-changelog-emitter


Install globally to get a binary executable in your system.

npm install -g @neo4j/practicle



Generate a markdown formatted changelog from pull requests in a Github repository. The pull requests need to have a changelog label applied to them.

If the option --prev-version is omitted PRacticle finds all PR:s in the semver minor version and generates a complete changelog for all versions in that range.

I.e. if --next-version=3.2.5 is used, the output will include all changes from 3.2.0 to the upoming 3.2.5 release. They are grouped by version.

Versions are generated from git tags that has the format x.y.z.

When --prev-version is included, the same thing happens but it starts from the version of --prev-version rather than .0.

By default, the text for the changelog entry is taken from the pull request title. If the pull request body includes changelog: on a separate line, it will override the default text.

If release-tag-filter is included, which should be a regex string, it will be used to filter out releases by their tags. Default value complies with semantic versioning that can optionally start with a v, like 1.0.1 or v1.0.1


  --token                      GITHUB_TOKEN env should be set         [required]
  --repo, -r                   Github repo to pull changes from       [required]
  --next-version, --nv         The next version of the software to be release
  --release-commit, --rc       The commit hash to be considered as the release
                               for the changelog                      [required]
  --output-pr-links, --opl     Adds the corresponding Github link at the end of
                               the change message
  --output-author, --oa        Appends the PR author to the change message
  --prev-version, --pv         The prev version to generate the
                               changelog from.
                               - If arg is a valid Semver string
                               (x.x.x) then the changelog will
                               generate notes from the tag
                               - If used as a flag then the changelog
                               is generated from the previous semver
                               - If ommitted then the semver
                               major.minor version is used to
                               generate changelogs over that range

  --release-tag-filter, --rtf  The regex to filter out releases by their release
                               tags               [default: "^v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+$"]
  --label-filter, --lf         Override the pull requests label filter
                                                [array] [default: ["changelog"]]


Takes contents from a file and creates a draft release on GitHub using that contents.

  --token               GITHUB_TOKEN env should be set                [required]
  --repo, -r            Github repo to push draft release to          [required]
  --next-version, --nv  The next version of the software to be release[required]
  --commit, -c          The commit that will be tagged                [required]
  --file                File from which to read that will be used for the
                        release description                           [required]


Takes contents from a file and creates a release on GitHub using that contents.

  --token               GITHUB_TOKEN env should be set                [required]
  --repo, -r            Github repo to push draft release to          [required]
  --next-version, --nv  The next version of the software to be release[required]
  --commit, -c          The commit that will be tagged                [required]
  --file                File from which to read that will be used for the
                        release description                           [required]


Fetches release notes from a release tag (or draft release tag) from Github and outputs it to standard out.

  --token     GITHUB_TOKEN env should be set                          [required]
  --repo, -r  Github repo to push draft release to                    [required]
  --tag, -t   The tag associated with the release                     [required]



# Generate md formatted changelog for 3.2.0 -> 3.2.5
# Output to standard output
practicle generate-changelog \
  --repo= \
  --next-version=3.2.5 \
  --release-commit=195694b5479ccc22d144d4ad5f81d74a1ceedb0e \
  --output-pr-links \
# Generate and pipe to (just changes since the last release)
practicle generate-changelog \
  --repo= \
  --next-version=3.2.5 \
  --prev-version=3.2.4 \
  --release-commit=195694b5479ccc22d144d4ad5f81d74a1ceedb0e \
  --output-pr-links \
  --token=xxx \
# Only consider releases with name being in the format of `d.d.0`, so where patch is 0
# Output to standard output
practicle generate-changelog \
--repo= \
--next-version=3.2.5 \
--release-commit=195694b5479ccc22d144d4ad5f81d74a1ceedb0e \


The following command (try it, just remember to use your own token):

practicle generate-changelog \
  --repo= \
  --next-version=3.2.6 \
  --release-commit=7ee472bedcc2e73023e9cf09708e597913ff70cd \
  --output-pr-links \

produces the following output

## 3.2.6

- Add `:history clear` command [#800](
- Add pagecache hits and misses to plan output [#812](
- Add complete support for bolt+routing:// [#814](
- Enable users with non reader roles to connect [#818](

## 3.2.5

- Add toggle for multi statement cypher editor [#793](

## 3.2.3

- Fix editor to handle string literals that contain new lines [#794](

## 3.2.2

- Add support for multi-statement execution [#722](

## 3.2.1

- Handle changelog url building in disconnected state [#787](
- Fix issue with creating unique keys from user input [#790](


A CLI for pull request to changelog markdown generator for github








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