Angular Application for showing an overview of all vehicles together with their status with the ability to filter to only show vehicles for a specific customer or that have a specific status.
• Prerequisites:
Visual Studio 2017 or 2019
.NET Core 2.2
Nodejs 12.13
npm 6.12 (Angular CLI)
Docker 19.03.4
Docker Compose 1.24.1
• Steps:
Clone solution from GitHub repository
Open solution with visual studio (minimum version 2017)
Build solution
Open command window and redirect to solution path
Enter “docker-compose up” command to build all containers
After successful operation of all containers, system should run as follow:
Angular app : http://localhost:7070/
API Gateway : http://localhost:9090/api/{controller}/{action}
Customer service : http://localhost:5050/swagger/index.html
Vehicle service : http://localhost:6060/swagger/index.html
If containers are up not in background mode, ping service logs will be shown in every ping with vehicle Id
Make any change in code and push changes to trigger Continues integration
Check Azure Build Pipeline to check the new build triggered by github to start code verification and tests (Unit & Integration tests)
After successful build, go to SonarCloud project to check code analysis report generated by azure build