- React to item change refence, add, remove, swap id on same index
- Sync validation per item
- Sync bulk validation for updated items
- Async validation per item
- Async bulk validation for updated items
- Ability to stop processing validations when validator returns errors
- Ability to return errors and warnings from validators
- Ability to set data inside validation report
- Ability to set multiple report field in one report
- Field states (show error only if its dirty or was focused)
- React to statistics (errorCount, warningCount)
- Stop async validations while typing (after debounce timeout)
- Set model after debounce time (performant input fields)
- Ability to create virtual validation fields
- Write validators as functions
- Use validators as children
- Wrap custom container with HOC component to achieve validation logic
- Ability to react on validation done (reports) outside validator
- Ability to change internal field states
yarn install -g
yarn install --pure-lockfile
npm run server