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Shell and terminal emulators

alacritty -- a cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator, my only option for now. Using zsh -- the best of the best shell for me, pretty complex custom config. Zsh has pretty compact config with fast startup and support of customized p10k and zinit plugin manager. For noninteractive use and scripts use dash the Almquist shell direct successor as fast and compact bourne-shell derivative. dircolors -- my 256-color filetype-based dircolors, it supports a lot of filetypes. tmux -- most modern terminal multiplexor.

Dev environment and docs

neovim -- using neovim as only editor option for now. It's used as my only developement environment for the all programming languages. I also created a custom neg neovim colorscheme git -- as vcs system, gdb -- GNU debugger as debugger. Using fast and tiny zathura pdf/djvu/whatever viewer with UX similar to vim. taskwarrior -- basic config for my GTD-like tool taskwarrior.

X11 and UX

i3-gaps -- my current WM. I migrated to it after many years of using my fork of Notion WM. It has extremely sophisticated and unusial customization with help of my negwm to make it UX more similar to ion3 and notion, with a lot of unique features as run of raise over windows tags, multiwindow scratchpads, config generator and more, rofi-menu generator and more. Also I'm using Gnome integration in i3 with pleasure.

I presumptuously think that this is the most sophisticated thing that was created with the help of these i3ipc tools in the world ever and is also a good example of creating some new stuff with i3ipc. Though it python-based it's really fast because of client-server architecture.

gtk -- using custom version of Kora dunst -- my minimalistic notification daemon, which also used for mpd-notification. polybar -- my favorite statusbar. keymaps -- alternative keymaps. I am using xmodmaprc with caps-lock rebinded to ctrl, etc. rofi -- dmenu analogue to run programs, find windows, everything, used very widely. It's definitely my favorite menu generator. picom Compositing manager, modern fork of compton with support of very fancy kawase blur algorithm and some new experimental backends.

Some stuff from Gnome project:

gnome-keyring-daemon: Gnome keyring daemon

gpaste: GPaste clipboard manager daemon, using it with help of rofi.

and some misc stuff:

udiskie automounter

Music and media

For music I am using local storage with MPD Music Player Daemon, ncmpcpp mpd client, managing library with picard and beets. Also using mpdas as scrobbler mpd-notification script for fancy MPD Notification with help of dunst. For video I am using mpv minimalistic, fast and customizable video player. For images I am using my fork of sxiv. I do not using it a lot, but like picture preview feature(in terminal, based on w3m).

Web and network stuff

If you are vimperator fan like me please try tridactyl. Vimperator-like firefox addon which brings vim-like keybindings and UX in firefox. After some patching and user-css stuff it become nice enough for daily use. You can find it config here:

stig -- custom colorscheme for this nice transmission-client for transmission-daemon. It's the most beautiful transmission-client as I know.

imgur-screenshot -- command line interface imgur uploader.

nm-applet: Network manager applet


dos -- configs for dos emulators.


If you like my stuff, you can buy me a coffee.


My old config for archlinux







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