Redis cache middleware for falcon resources. Pulled from py-blog project @
falcon-redis-cache is a very simple middlware for the Falcon Web/REST framework for Python. This middleware caches resources over the wire using Redis, and helps both simplify and automate redundant tasks such as serving responses directly from cache.
This project should be compaitable with any version of Falcon. Support is available for both Python 2.7 and 3.4+.
falcon-redis-cache can be installed with pip like so:
pip install falcon-redis-cache
Once installed, the middleware can be instantiated extending the Falcon api:
import falcon
from falcon_redis_cache.middleware import RedisCacheMiddleware
api = falcon.API(middleware=[
RedisCacheMiddleware(redis_host=..., redis_port=..., redis_db=...)
To ensure your resources are compatible, inherit from the provided resource:
from falcon_redis_cache.resource import CacheCompaitableResource
class MyResource(CacheCompaitableResource):
route = '/'
# enabled by default
# - tells middleware to enable caching on resource
use_cache = True
# disabled by default
# - tells middleware to cache using auth credentials
unique_cache = False
# disabled by default
# - tells middleware to process matching resources with unique query strings
cache_with_query = False
# list of resource definitions to clear cache from in the event of a change
# for ex; if a post, put, or delete request is made on this resource...
# any binded resources will have their caches cleaned
binded_resources = []
def on_get(self, req, res):
You may serve directly from cache without having Falcon hit responders by using the from_cahe
from falcon_redis_cache.hooks import CacheProvider
class ItemResource(CacheCompaitableResource):
route = '/item/{item_id}/'
def on_get(self, req, resp, item_id):
# if resource already exists in cache, responder will not be processed by Falcon
For clearing resource cache where bindings are not possible or inherantly difficult, refer to the utility method clear_resource_cache
import inject
import redis
from falcon_redis_cache.utils import clear_resource_cache
class ItemCommentResource(CacheCompaitableResource):
route '/item/{item_id}/comment'
def on_post(self, req, resp, item_id):
# method makes use of python-inject for redis DI
clear_resource_cache(ItemResource, req, item_id=item_id)
inject.configure(lambda binder: binder.bind(redis.Redis, ...)))
- John Nolette ([email protected])
Contributing guidelines are as follows,
- Any new features added must also be unit tested in the
subdirectory.- Branches for bugs and features should be structured like so,
- Branches for bugs and features should be structured like so,
- Include your name and email in the contributors list.
Copyright (c) 2019 John Nolette Licensed under the MIT license.