Get information about an organization, user, or repo on github. Stores all data in a json file, organized in a tree of dictionaries for easy database transfer or data analysis. All done through the github api, with or without authentication (authentication highly recommended).
Warning: Github API still supports v3 (what this script uses), however they are making the shift to graphql in v4. Here is a post on migrating from v3. I don't know if I will update this script before it becomes deprecated, but beware.
pip3 install giggity
or clone the repository and run:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt [-h] [-v] [-a] [-u] [-o] [-O OUTPUT] path
positional arguments:
path name of organization or user (or url of repository)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
-a, --authenticate allows github authentication to avoid ratelimiting
-u, --user denotes that given input is a user
-o, --org denotes that given input is an organization
-O OUTPUT, --outfile OUTPUT
location to put generated json file
Example of Scraping a User
python3 -a -O needmorecowbell.json -v -u needmorecowbell
- This will ask for authentication credentials, put the program into verbose mode, scrape github for the user needmorecowbell, then put the results into needmorecowbell.json
Example of Scraping an Organization
python3 -a -o github -O github.json
- This will ask for authentication, scrape the github organization on github, then put out the results in github.json
Giggity as a Module
- giggity can also be used as a module -- all data is stored within orgTree as a nested dict.
from giggity import giggity
g = giggity("username","password")
data = g.getUsers("organization-name", followers=True)
print("List of users in organization: ")
for user, info in data.items():
data = g.getEmails("username", verbose=True) # Get any emails found
Other examples of how to use giggity are available in the util folder.
Example Output
When python3 -a -u geohot -O output.json
is used..
output.json contains:
"emails": [
"[email protected]",
"other emails taken out of example"
"names": [
"Charles Ellis",
"George Hotz"
"repos": {
"ORB_SLAM2": {
"created_at": "2017-04-08T00:21:13Z",
"description": "ORBSLAM2 running on Mac OS X cause I was on a plane and bored and maybe useful for someone?",
"fork": true,
"name": "ORB_SLAM2",
"updated_at": "2018-10-22T23:51:28Z",
"url": ""
{ Many more repositories cut out for the example },
"xnu-deps-linux": {
"created_at": "2013-10-02T00:36:29Z",
"description": "Mig/cctools for Linux combo makefile thingy",
"fork": true,
"name": "xnu-deps-linux",
"updated_at": "2016-05-01T16:04:45Z",
"url": ""