We would like you to:
- fetch job listings and display them in a job feed
- create a job position function filter.
All job listings and all job locations can be fetched from our public API.
You do not need to authorize to use those endpoints.
To test an endpoint you can click on the endpoint, then click "Try it out", then scroll a bit down and click the blue "Execute" button.
We would like you to try to make it look like the given design.
There are hints on how to solve the task in the files inside the src directory.
In the design below you can see a list of job listings, position function filtering selector and pagination page size selector.
The data to display in the list of job listings needs to be fetched from our public API.
Notice how that there are no default position function filters set, and that the page size is set to 5 items per page.
In the design below you can see the position function filtering selector. We use Position functions to categorize and organize jobs posted on Mojob. We use the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO)
To get you started we have already fetched all position functions from the public API
in src/Home.vue
In the design below you can see the tree structure of the position functions and it being displayed in the position function filtering selector.
The ISCO standard divides jobs into major groups and sub-major groups.
The jobs can only be connected to sub-major groups, but in the public endpoint to fetch job listings you can filter on both major groups and sub-major groups.
When fetched from the public API all major position functions will
contain a children
field that contains a list of all sub-major position functions.
Below you can see the pagination page size selector.
In order to decide the number of objects in each page we can use the query parameter
The "Display all" option can be solved in several ways:
- Browse the public API docs and see if you can find
option - Use the
response from the public API - Use a big
query parameter number
Below you can see how the text of the "<page_size> PER PAGE" changes when you select a new page size option.
- Read through entire README.md before delivering
- Code that works
- After you have delivered your finished project we are able to run your code.
- We prioritize functionality and readable code before looks, but our UI/UX designer will be very pleased if the outcome looks similar to the given design.
- Framework
- We encourage you to use the given Vue project template, but we will rate all submissions equally. The most important thing is that we can run your code easily.
- You are allowed to use different technologies like Angular or React.
- Language
- We encourage you to use TypeScript, but JavaScript is also allowed.
Node v12.19.0 (npm v6.14.8)
It might be necessary for you to use this version in order to get this project to install and run properly.
We use node version manager (nvm) to quickly change node versions. If you are not able to use nvm
you can either install this specific Node version or you can create a new project with vue/cli with the Node+NPM-version of your choice.
Remember to let us know at the bottom of this README.md before delivering your project what you chose.
npm install
npm run serve
- Use the tools and framework you are comfortable with.
- After you have delivered your project we will read the code and run the project.
- We have estimated this task to take 1-2 hours, but you can spend as much time as you like.
- Please fill in this section before delivering your project
I have used node version:
I have used npm version:
Javascript framework used:
If you did not use the given Vue project template, describe how can we run your code:
I used the given template
Do you have any other comments regarding your deliverable?
x y z
Do you have any comments/feedback about the task we gave you?
x y z
- To deliver your project you can either send us the link to the git project in the Mojob chat or you can send the archived project by email to
[email protected]