Interested in contributing a code example?
Please take a look at our contribution guidelines before getting started. Thanks!
Describe your example and specify what it is demonstrating. Consider the following questions:
- Is it pedagogical or a usable application?
- Does it belong to a particular domain such as material simulation or logistics?
- What level of Ocean proficiency does it target (beginner, advanced, pro)?
A clear description allows us to properly categorize your example.
Images are encouraged. If your example produces a visualization, consider displaying it here.
A simple command that runs your program. For example,
python <demo_name>.py
If your example requires user input, make sure to specify any input limitations.
A general overview of how the code works.
We prefer descriptions in bite-sized bullet points:
- Here's an example bullet point
Notable parts of the code implementation.
This is the place to:
- Highlight a part of the code implementation
- Talk about unusual or potentially difficult parts of the code
- Explain a code decision
- Explain how parameters were tuned
Note: there is no need to repeat everything that is already well-documented in the code.
If you would like to include math equations to explain parts of your code or repo, it is recommended to use an external LaTeX renderer, or insert pre-rendered images in the repo. For example, it's possible to insert a link to the online CodeCogs equation editor which will render LaTeX in the url; there's also syntax to accommodate darkmode by default in D-Wave's Leap IDE.
- Using a URL LaTeX renderer
<img style="filter:invert(1)" src="\large\,x_{ik}+x_{jk}-2x_{ik}x_{jk}">
The above text in markdown renders the following expression in your markdown readme.
Inserting a relative link to the svg in the repository in the readme_imgs
folder produces the same result.
- Inserting a static image
<img style="filter:invert(1)" src="readme_imgs/expression.svg">
The above text will render the image currently located at the address in the repository.
Note: Please consider that some users may be reading your documentation in darkmode, including Leap users. This may be difficult for certain static images without the kind of filter above.
A. Person, "Title of Amazing Information", short link name
Released under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file.