The purpose of this lab series is to demonstrate how to start a microservice journey with Openshift using the following technologies
- Openshift 3.6+
- SpringBoot
- MongoDB
- Jenkins2
- Ansible
It is assumed that you have an OpenShift cluster instance running and available. This instance can take several forms dependin g on your environment and needs :
- Full blown OpenShift cluster at your site, see how to Install OpenShift at your site,
- Red Hat Container Development Kit on your laptop, see how to Get Started with CDK,
- Lightweight Minishift on your laptop, see Minishift project page.
You should also have the
client line interface tool installed on your machine. Pick the corresponding OpenShift version from this page.
The following labs are completed and tested on an Openshift 3.6
The lab series is organized around the folowing items
- Lab 1: Building and Running a SpringBoot/MongoDB Microservice Application on Openshift using S2i.
- Lab 2: Creating Persistent Databases and Reusable Application Templates
- Lab 3: Continuous Integration and Delivery with Jenkins Pipelines
- Lab 4: Circuit Breaker Pattern
- Lab 5: Envent Streaming with Apache Kafka
- Lab 6: Securing and Testing your Microservices