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This is a multi-module project for the Accessibility Map API. It consists of the following modules:

GitHub vs Azure DevOps

This project is maintained by Nationaal Dataportaal Wegverkeer (NDW)

  • It is primarily maintained within Azure Devops and mirrored to
  • It works within NDW infrastructure, with some of its constraints;
  • This repository contains functionality only, data is gathered from APIs/database, but not included;
  • Pipelines are not designed to be used within GitHub;
  • GitHub wiki and issues aren't enabled.


The specification module only versions the API YAML and this JAR is used by the openapi-generator-maven-plugin to generate controllers for the backend application.


Build Maven with profile regression-test to build the project with unit and integration testing.

Build application and run IT tests via Maven

Make sure your Spring Boot application is not running in IntelliJ. Run:

mvn verify -P regression-test

Testing on staging

For testing purposes, a staging test account has been created in Keycloak called sa-nls-staging-test. To get the password (client-secret) for this account, see the KeePass file in the nls-wiki project.


All modules currently have the same version.

Updating integration test data

NDW Amersfoort sample data export

Set up a connection to the staging database and create an Amersfoort cut out in a temp table: Make sure to update the version_id in the sql below when applicable.

create table nwb.road_section_for_dump as 
    select * from nwb.road_section
             where version_id = 20240701 
               and geometry && st_makeenvelope(147769.55323, 455801.28125,163636.57098, 472114.299, 28992);

A table on staging should exist, and now we want to create a dump from it. The command below utilizes your local pg_dump executable (which might be located elsewhere on your computer). Since we already have the database schema, we only need the data. Use the following command to create the dump:

/usr/bin/pg_dump --dbname=nls-maps --schema=nwb --table=nwb.\"road_section_for_dump\" 
  --format=p --file=/tmp/road_sections_dump_ndw_20240101 --data-only 
  --username=nls_administrator --port=5432

Since this is a data-only dump, we need to make sure to not completely override docker/nls-postgres/sql/10_nwb_schema.sql and replace only the data part which starts with COPY nwb.road_section (version_id, road_section_id,

After you replaced the data you also need to update the version_id and reference_date in the nwb.version table. You can find the COPY nwb.version (version_id, imported, reference_date, revision, status) FROM stdin; right below the added data.

Traffic sign responses

When you update the traffig sign responses, you probably also need to update the NWB test data set version. Traffic sign responses include location.road.nwb_version entries, of which the maximum value is used as reference date to look up the correct NWB version.

To re-create the mocked response, download Amersfoort files, using the following url:

Window Times

In the traffic sign API, traffic signs have text signs and some text signs are of type 'TIJD' and they have a field called 'openingHours'. This field will be using the OSM standard for opening hours:

Pretty printing geojson

jq . c6WindowTimeSegments.geojson | sponge c6WindowTimeSegments.geojson


NDW Location Services accessibility map API







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