fastqtk is a fast and lightweight tool for interleaving/deinterleaving/counting/trimming FASTQ files.
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Usage: fastqtk <command> <arguments>
interleave interleaves two paired-end FASTQ files.
deinterleave splits an (already) interleaved (paired-end) FASTQ file.
count counts all reads from a FASTQ file.
lengths summary statistics for lengths of reads from a FASTQ file.
count-lengths number of reads and summary statistics for lengths of reads from a FASTQ file.
tab-4 converts a FASTQ file to a text tab-delimited file with 4 columns.
tab-8 converts a (interleaved paired-end) FASTQ file to text tab-delimited file with 8 columns.
detab converts a text tab-delimited file with 4/8 columns (converted using tab4/tab8) to FASTQ file.
retain-5 retains the first N bp from 5'end of the reads from a FASTQ file.
retain-3 retains the last N bp from 3'end of the reads from a FASTQ file.
trim-5 trims 5' end of the reads from a FASTQ file.
trim-3 trims 3' end of the reads from a FASTQ file.
trim-id trims reads ids (removes everything after first space) from a FASTQ file.
trim-poly trims poly-A/C/G/T/N tails at both ends of the reads sequences from a FASTQ file.
drop-se drops unpaired reads from an interleaved paired-end FASTQ file.
drop-short drops reads that have short sequences (below a given threshold).
fq2fa converts a FASTQ file to FASTA file.
fa2fq converts a FASTA file to FASTQ file.
compress-id lossy compression of the reads ids from a FASTQ file.
NtoA replaces all Ns in reads sequences with As in a FASTQ file.
rev-com reverse complements all reads in a FASTQ file.
Interleave two FASTQ paired-end files:
fastqtk interleave reads1.fq reads2.fq out.fq fastqtk interleave reads1.fq reads2.fq - | gzip > out.fq.gz
Deinterleave a FASTQ file:
fastqtk deinterleave reads.fq ou1.fq ou2.fq zcat reads.fq.gz | fastqtk deinterleave - ou1.fq ou2.fq
Count reads from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk count reads.fq count.txt
Summary statistics regarding lengths of reads from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk lengths reads.fq lengths.txt
Count of reads and summary statistics regarding lengths of reads from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk count-lengths reads.fq count.txt lengths.txt
Convert a FASTQ file into a text tab-delimited file with four columns:
fastqtk tab4 reads.fq fastq.txt
Convert an interleaved FASTQ file into a text tab-delimited file with 8 columns:
fastqtk tab8 reads.fq fastq.txt
Convert back text tab-delimited file with 4 or 8 columns into a FASTQ file:
fastqtk detab fastq.txt reads.fq
Remove the reads that are strictly shorter than 30bp from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk drop-short 30 reads.fq out.fq
Replace all Ns in reads sequences from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk NtoA reads.fq out.fq
Trim 10bp from 5' end of the reads sequences from FASTQ file:
fastqtk trim5 10 reads.fq out.fq
Trim 10bp from 3' end of the reads sequences from FASTQ file:
fastqtk trim3 10 reads.fq out.fq
Retain the first 70bp from 5' end of the reads sequences and trim the rest:
fastqtk retain5 70 reads.fq out.fq
Retain the first 70bp from 3' end of the reads sequences and trim the rest:
fastqtk retain3 70 reads.fq out.fq
Trim N or Ns from both ends of the reads sequences from FASTQ file:
fastqtk trim-poly N 1 reads.fq out.fq
Trim polyA, which are strictly or equally longer than 15bp, from both ends of the reads sequences from FASTQ file:
fastqtk trim-poly A 15 reads.fq out.fq
Compress the reads ids from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk count reads.fq count.txt fastqtk compress-id count.txt reads.fq out.fq
Compress the reads ids from a FASTQ file (without counting the reads and when it is known that number of reads is below 200 million reads):
fastqtk compress-id 200000000 reads.fq out.fq
Remove the unpaired reads from an interleaved FASTQ file:
fastqtk drop-seq reads.fq out.fq
Convert a FASTQ file to a FASTA file:
fastqtk fq2fa reads.fq reads.fa
Convert a FASTA file to a FASTQ file:
fastqtk fa2fq reads.fa reads.fq
Reverse complement all reads from a FASTQ file:
fastqtk rev-com reads.fq reads_revcom.fq