This project involves using ERC721 non-fungible tokens (NFT) to represent Real Estate assets. Zero knowledge proofs (zk-snarks) are used to ensure that only an owner is able to mint tokens for a Real Estate asset. Assets are listed on OpenSea marketplace testnet on the Rinkeby network.
- To generate the contract abi run
truffle compile
- The contract ABI can be found in eth-contracts/build/contracts/SolnSquareVerifier.json
- 0x7f734b5a215cdb6fa76a176816820a9480fb212f
- View history on etherscan:
- 0xe00a0dd757f43a4151e2ac380ae7925a98deca5320b6d69445fb245b4fcd714c
- 0xaf738da4665b2dbed11a90a4e08f4443f3796c1c394e8983138eb092098b4f84
- 0xc042a7fc979ea80721efc950e1a553976343d2978b025a67295dbb8525384189
- 0x92aa088051caeb530d3227d8c64659d073a93f214cafd4bcf410dcf69f115a4c
- 0x3d14b1a574a0fd90a4ab47f6a4c6fc05bb584285deea3506b58afc9063aff5e3
- 0xfbe41b54c2ef462cccb205d1977deaa9b2927bfe629b09ccd199ede37aaa5b56
- 0x3d0b902933285131de3d0b4214d7cee8590c1cfe89b077a1842992bc63872d31
- 0xa3de7056b3d09292bee9e20f24ca5eeea8d0905aa8faba21bddd02ef573c9258
- 0x59392f6e9fb6e841eef6f090a2edbbc3a2925b2a70ae16bc8b6c60b4f4624dd7
- 0xb2b0bc10a370e734ab0b3e58dc730b8de582a9f6b7db658451981e46043d0889
- Ensure
, organache-gui
(if using ganache-gui, you would need to change the port in truffle-config.js to 7545). - Ensure
(specifically version 5.4.9 to avoid versioning issues) is installed.
- Install dependencies
# install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json
npm install
- Start Ganache-cli
# Start Ganache cli local Ethereum
- Executing the test scripts
# This should compile the contracts, migrate then and execute the relevant tests for the project.
truffle test
- Start Zokrates in Docker and generate a unique proof.json
zokrates compute-witness -a a b
# a and b are arguments for the proof function
zokrates generate-proof
# This generates the proof.json. You need to provide this in order to mintTokens
- Start truffle console on the rinkeby network
truffle console --network rinkeby
- Migrate the contracts (IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE THIS ALREADY)
> migrate
- Get contract and proof an execute the mint command
> let tokenProof = require("../path/to/proof.json")
> let contract = await SolnSquareVerifier.deployed()
> contract.mintToken("address to mint to" , tokenIdNumber, tokenProof.proof.a, tokenProof.proof.b, tokenProof.proof.c, tokenProof.inputs)