Hajime is a workout tracker built for simplicity and convenience. Made with React Native. Deployed with AWS.
Re-started on 13th November 2020.
- Allows you to store workouts. A workout can either have a gym type or a boxing type.
- Gym type: Each workout consists of different exercises where you can specify the weight/sets/reps (or not).
- Boxing type: Each workout consists of different combinations.
- Can do a workout, with different behaviours depending on the type (gym/boxing) and other subtypes.
- Gym type, standard subtype: Can fill out the sets/reps done as you workout at a certain weight.
- Boxing type, interval subtype: Can voice out the combinations of a boxing workout at a defined time interval. The order of the combinations can either be random or ordered.
- Navbar containing the following pages (ignoring links between pages)
- Creating a new workout
- Viewing your current workouts
- Starting a workout
- Client communicates with API Gateway -> Lambda for the backend implementation
- Storage of user data (workouts, personal info, etc.) done with DynamoDB
- Text-to-speech done using Amazon Polly
- Loading screen
- Hajime logo and loading sign
- First-time user screen
- Welcomes the user and provides information about what the app is about and how to use it
- Gathers basic information from the user (first name, last name, gender, age)
- Links you to the main screen
- Main screen
- Displays upfront statistics (workouts done, more TBD)
- Minor pathway (button) that lets you either start a workout or create a new one
- User should also have access to settings and to view their current workouts
- Settings screen
- Displays settings to be changed (colour themes?)
- User Profile screen
- Displays your personal information and the ability to edit them
- View Current Workouts screen
- List of workouts that you have created with the ability to edit each one
- New workout screen
- Lets you choose a workout type
- For the gym type, lets you define the respective exercises with reps, sets and weight
- For the boxing type, lets you define the combinations (TBD)
- Workout screen
- Gym type: Displays in a list format, each exercise along with the reps to tap through (can also enter the weight)
- Boxing type: Displays the combination on screen and the time interval before a change (mainly audial)
- Both screens show the total workout time
- #FE4239 (RED)
- #390c09 (DARK GREY)
- #b4b4b4 (LIGHT GREY)
- #f7f7ff (WHITE)
- Titles/headings: Banco Standard
- Content: Josefin Sans (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Josefin+Sans)
- Integration with Fitbit or other smartwatches
- Beep test and other set fitness programs
- This project will mainly revolve around upskilling myself in...
- Learning about React from zero experience
- Gaining more knowledge and hands-on experience with serverless deployment with AWS, including experience around writing CloudFormation templates, utilizing API Gateway and Lambda properly and properly designing DynamoDB schemas
- Gaining a better idea of the design process for an application