Releases: ncbi/icn3d
Releases · ncbi/icn3d
Fixed the URL for the "Side by Side" view.
Fixed DelPhi potential calculations for chains with more than one letter.
v3.40.4 Fixed DelPhi potential calculations for chains with more than one let…
Collections update - fixed gz and zip functionality and collections parsing.
v3.40.3 Collections update - fixed gz and zip functionality and collections p…
Collections update - fixed gz and zip functionality and collections parsing.
v3.40.2 Collections update - fixed gz and zip functionality and collections p…
Collections update - added multi file format support for zip, command history and JSON export, gz&ent file support.
v3.39.0 Collections update - added multi file format support for zip, command…
Improved the conversion of chemical SMILES to 3D structure by showing double bonds.
v3.38.1 Improved the conversion of chemical SMILES to 3D structure by showing…
Enabled to convert chemical SMILES to 3D structure via the menu "File > Retrieve by ID > Chemical SMILES".
v3.38.0 Enabled to convert chemical SMILES to 3D structure via the menu "File…
Added a menu "Style > Clashed Residues > Hide" to hide clashed residues.
v3.37.0 Added a menu "Style > Clashed Residues > Hide" to hide clashed residues.
Fixed an issue related to previous chain IDs such as "A_1" (changed to "A1") in previous sharable links.
v3.36.1 Fixed an issue related to previous chain IDs such as "A_1" (changed t…