A sample Blazor app that use the Open Data Nasa APIs to fetch images from the Nasa Astronomy Picture of the Day service.
- Simple dinamic page layout change with a one-way binding to a boolean field and two components:
@if (cardView)
<ImageCards NasaImageInfoList="@nasaImageInfoList" />
<ImageList NasaImageInfoList="@nasaImageInfoList" />
- Use of the Javascript interop to write on the browser console the error message object in case of error:
// FetchNasaImages.cshtml
catch (Exception ex)
RegisteredFunction.Invoke<bool>("consoleLog", ex);
// Index.html (in wwwroot)
// Register a Javascript function
Blazor.registerFunction('consoleLog', (data) => {
return true;
(from the example of Javascript interopt found in the Learn Blazor site).
The key used in the source is an anonymous one (DEMO_KEY). Beware that this anonymous key has big usage restrictions, please get your free apiKey at https://api.nasa.gov/index.html#apply-for-an-api-key