This project is still in its infancy, so beware. Once it is deployable, I will update this to be more concise. Right now its just random info I put in a place I won't forget.
Connecting to standard JMX:
{ "graphite_url": "apps.jvm.blah", "service_url": "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:/jmxrmi", "username": "monitor", "password": "monitor",
"mbeans": {
"java.lang:type=Memory": {
"HeapMemoryUsage": [ "committed", "init", "max", "used" ],
"NonHeapMemoryUsage": [ "committed", "init", "max", "used" ],
"attributes": [
} }
example with match:
"java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=*": {
"PeakUsage": [ "committed", "init", "max", "used" ],
"Usage": [ "committed", "init", "max", "used" ],
"attributes": [
WebLogic doesn't support queryNames on the domainruntime service, but does on the runtime service However all the good stuff is in domainruntime :(
service:jmx:t3s://:/jndi/ service:jmx:t3s://:/jndi/
Here is how to get jvisualvm to connect to WebLogic:
jvisualvm -cp wlcipher.jar:wlfullclient.jar
To connect JMXGraphite with WebLogic you need to have a WebLogic full client jar, and the wlcypher jar as well. Then add some params at startup.
-classpath wlcipher.jar:wlfullclient.jar
in you're virtual server setting:
"provider": "",
if you are using an SSL enabled connection:
in you're virtual server:
"ssl": true,
example mbean:
"mbeans": { "com.bea:Name=server.jms,ServerRuntime=server,Location=server,Type=JMSRuntime": { "attributes": [ "ConnectionsCurrentCount" ] } }