s3 is awesome, but can be expensive, slow, and doesn't expose data local compute or efficient shuffle.
an s3 cli compatible storage cluster that is cheap and fast, with data local compute and efficient shuffle.
data local compute maps arbitrary commands over immutable keys in 1:1, n:1 and 1:n operations.
data shuffle is implicit in 1:n mappings.
server placement is based on the hash of basename or a numeric prefix.
key | method | placement |
s4://bucket/dir/name.txt | int(hash("name.txt")) | ? |
s4://bucket/dir/000_bucket0.txt | int("000") | 0 |
s4://bucket/dir/000 | int("000") | 0 |
keys are strongly consistent and cannot be updated unless first deleted.
use this for efficiently processing ephemeral data.
keep durable inputs, outputs, and checkpoints in s3.
a ring of servers store files on disk.
a metadata controller on each server orchestrates out of process operations for data transfer and local compute.
a cli client coordinates cluster activity.
high availability. every key lives on one and only one server.
high durability. data lives on a single disk, and is as durable as that disk.
security. data transfers are checked for integrity, but not encrypted. service access is unauthenticated. secure the network with wireguard if needed.
fine granularity. data should be medium to coarse granularity.
safety for all inputs. service access should be considered to be at the level of root ssh. any user input should be escaped for shell.
cluster resizing. clusters should be short lived and data ephemeral. instead of resizing create a new cluster.
pagination of list results. data layout and partitioning must be considered.
go install:
go install github.com/nathants/s4/cmd/s4@latest
go install github.com/nathants/s4/cmd/s4_server@latest
sudo mv -f $(go env GOPATH)/bin/s4 /usr/local/bin/s4
sudo mv -f $(go env GOPATH)/bin/s4_server /usr/local/bin/s4-server
git clone:
git clone https://github.com/nathants/s4
cd s4
git clone go
make -j
sudo mv -fv bin/s4 bin/s4-server /usr/local/bin/
>> tox
cd s4
bash scripts/new_cluster.sh $name
ssh $server1 "curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nathants/s4/go/scripts/install_archlinux.sh | bash"
ssh $server2 "curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nathants/s4/go/scripts/install_archlinux.sh | bash"
echo $server1:8080 > ~/.s4.conf
echo $server2:8080 >> ~/.s4.conf
scp ~/.s4.conf $server1:
scp ~/.s4.conf $server2:
ssh $server1 s4-server
ssh $server2 s4-server
echo hello world | s4 cp - s4://bucket/data.txt
s4 cp s4://bucket/data.txt -
s4 ls s4://bucket --recursive
s4 --help
structured analysis of nyc taxi data with bsv and hive
adhoc exploration of nyc taxi data with python
bsv - a simple and efficient data format for easily manipulating chunks of rows of columns while minimizing allocations and copies.
optimizing a bsv data processing pipeline
performant batch processing with bsv, s4, and presto
discovering a baseline for data processing performance
refactoring common distributed data patterns into s4
scaling python data processing horizontally
scaling python data processing vertically
name | description |
s4 rm | delete data from s4 |
s4 eval | eval a bash cmd with key data as stdin |
s4 ls | list keys |
s4 cp | copy data to or from s4 |
s4 map | process data |
s4 map-to-n | shuffle data |
s4 map-from-n | merge shuffled data |
s4 config | list the server addresses |
s4 health | health check every server |
usage: s4 rm [-h] [-r] prefix
delete data from s4.
- recursive to delete directories.
positional arguments:
prefix -
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
-r False
usage: s4 eval [-h] key cmd
eval a bash cmd with key data as stdin
positional arguments:
key -
cmd -
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
usage: s4 ls [-h] [-r] [prefix]
list keys
positional arguments:
prefix -
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --recursive False
usage: s4 cp [-h] [-r] src dst
copy data to or from s4.
- paths can be:
- remote: "s4://bucket/key.txt"
- local: "./dir/key.txt"
- stdin/stdout: "-"
- use recursive to copy directories.
- keys cannot be updated, but can be deleted and recreated.
- note: to copy from s4, the local machine must be reachable by the cluster, otherwise use `s4 eval`.
positional arguments:
src -
dst -
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
-r False
usage: s4 map [-h] indir outdir cmd
process data.
- map a bash cmd 1:1 over every key in indir putting result in outdir.
- cmd receives data via stdin and returns data via stdout.
- every key in indir will create a key with the same name in outdir.
- indir will be listed recursively to find keys to map.
positional arguments:
indir -
outdir -
cmd -
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
usage: s4 map-to-n [-h] indir outdir cmd
shuffle data.
- map a bash cmd 1:n over every key in indir putting results in outdir.
- cmd receives data via stdin, writes files to disk, and returns file paths via stdout.
- every key in indir will create a directory with the same name in outdir.
- outdir directories contain zero or more files output by cmd.
- cmd runs in a tempdir which is deleted on completion.
positional arguments:
indir -
outdir -
cmd -
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
usage: s4 map-from-n [-h] indir outdir cmd
merge shuffled data.
- map a bash cmd n:1 over every key in indir putting result in outdir.
- indir will be listed recursively to find keys to map.
- cmd receives file paths via stdin and returns data via stdout.
- each cmd receives all keys with the same name or numeric prefix
- output name is that name
positional arguments:
indir -
outdir -
cmd -
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
usage: s4 config [-h]
list the server addresses
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit
usage: s4 health [-h]
health check every server
optional arguments:
-h show this help message and exit