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nathanrstacey edited this page May 6, 2014 · 1 revision

Note: These instructions are raw. If you have issues, PLEASE email me at [email protected] and I will help guide you. I would love to clean these instructions out for better use


###Make sure your ubuntu is up-to-date

  1. type in terminal: 'sudo apt-get update'
  2. type in terminal: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'

Run the pre bash file to create folders just in case they are required

  1. type in terminal: 'etc/MangoJane/sudo bash mango_jane_install'

###cd to the MangoJane directory

  1. Type in terminal: 'cd /etc/MangoJane'

#Install mysql

Mango Jane allows the MYSQL server to have different names and passwords via file 'configuration.d'. Below sets the default values

  1. type in terminal: 'sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client' 1a. when asked the Default Password is: '1qazZAQ!'
  2. type in terminal: 'mysql -u root -p' 2a. when asked, type in the password '1qazZAQ!'
  3. type in terminal: 'CREATE DATABASE txtCLI;'
  4. type in terminal: 'quit;' The next few steps fill in the database with the table schemas and also populates a few tables needed for Mango Jane to work correctly
  5. type in terminal: 'mysql -u root -p -h localhost txtCLI < mysql_schemas.sql'
  6. type in the terminal: 'mysql -u root -p -h localhost txtCLI < sms2mmsemails.sql'

#Setup Perl

_we will use cpan to install the following modules

  • Mail::POP3Client *MIME::Parser_
  1. Type in terminal: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'
  2. 'cpan'
  3. 'make install'
  4. 'install Mail::POP3Client'
  5. 'install MIME::Parser'
  6. 'quit'

#Install sendemail

  1. Type in terminal: 'apt-get install sendemail'

###setup configuration 2. Edit "/etc/MangoJane/configuration.d" to meet the needed specs of the system 3. Type in terminal: 'sudo bash /etc/MangoJane/refresh'

#Setup Email Server This is tricky. In general the server needs to be setup under the following specs *setup to match configuration.d values

*Any email server will work as long as it can do a single virtual mailbox. I used dovecot and postfix to make my server and it works great but is tough to learn

*postfix must be setup for a single virtual mailbox (this is tricky is a good guide to help)

*if you plan on using more than one domain on this server, you also need to setup that virtual mailbox (also tricky but the same URL can help

#Start Services

  1. Type in Terminal: 'sudo perl etc/MangoJane/'
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