Highlight occurrences of a selection within the open editor.
Can be triggered by either double clicking a word, or selecting a word/text with your cursor.
Command Name | Command Code | Keymap | Description |
Toggle | highlight-selected:toggle |
ctrl+cmd+h | Enables/Disabled this package |
Select all markers | highlight-selected:select-all |
Select all markers |
To set a Keymap for select all open your Keymap
file and add:
'cmd-*': 'highlight-selected:select-all'
Setting | Default | Description |
Only Highlight Whole Words | true | This uses the "Allowed Characters To Select" option with Atom's "Non-word characters" to find word boundaries. |
Hide Highlight On Selected Word | false | When enabled to will not add a box around the selected words. |
Ignore Case | false | Case sensitivity |
Light Theme | false | Different CSS classes get applied (see styling). Should makes it easier to switch between Atom's themes |
Highlight Background | false | Adds a background colours via CSS class (see styling) |
Minimum Length | 2 | How many characters to select before searching for occurrences |
Timeout | 20 | Defers searching for matching strings for X ms |
Highlight In Panes | true | Highlight selection in another panes |
Show In Status Bar | true | Show how many matches there are |
Status Bar String | 'Highlighted: %c | The text to show in the status bar. %c = number of occurrences |
Allowed Characters To Select | '$@%-' | Non Word Characters that are allowed to be selected. This is useful for languages like PHP where variables like $test need to be highlighted |
Show Results On Scroll Bar | false | Show highlight on the scroll bar. Requires Scroll Marker Package (if you enable this setting you will be prompted to install the package) |
If you want to change any of the styling of the region use the following as a guide:
atom-text-editor .highlights {
// Box
.highlight-selected .region {
border-color: #ddd;
border-radius: 3px;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
// Background (set in settings)
.highlight-selected.background .region {
background-color: rgba(155, 149, 0, 0.6);
// Light theme box (set in settings)
.highlight-selected.light-theme .region {
border-color: rgba(255, 128, 64, 0.4);
// Light theme background (set in settings)
.highlight-selected.light-theme.background .region {
background-color: rgba(255, 128, 64, 0.2);
// If you have the Scroll Marker package installed https://atom.io/packages/scroll-marker
// These are the colours that will be shown in the scroller
.highlight-selected-marker-layer.scroll-marker-layer {
.scroll-marker {
background-color: #ffff00;
.highlight-selected-selected-marker-layer.scroll-marker-layer {
.scroll-marker {
background-color: #f71010;
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