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back-end rails api for 'coffee-grader' coffee cupping app


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back-end api for 'coffee-grader' coffee cupping app

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Built on RAILS 5
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rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails server
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Table of Contents


Coffee-Grader-API uses token-based authentication (leveraging the DeviseTokenAuth gem). The client should include the following headers in each request (RFC 6750 Bearer Token format).

Example Authentication Headers:
"access-token": "wwwwww",
"token-type":   "Bearer",
"client":       "xxxxxx",
"expiry":       "yyyyyy",
"uid":          "zzzzzz"

Note: Each response will include the required headers for the following request, as the access-token (for example) is reset on each authenticated request.

To Sign Up

POST to /auth with the following parameters:

Field Description
name User's full name
username User's nickname
email A valid email address
password A password (at least 8 characters)
password_confirmation to confirm the above
To Sign In

POST to /auth/sign_in with a valid email and password


The cupping resource manages more or less all aspects of the coffee grading process; samples are to be scored, graders are invited, etc. A cupping must be created before any samples can be scored, so a POST request to /cuppings is a sensible first step.

The Cupping Object
Field Description
location Location of cupping event as string (required)
cup_date Date of cupping event as datetime; UTC formatted string works great (required)
host_id Foreign key of user hosting the cupping (required)
cups_per_sample Integer number of cups per sample (required)
open Boolean value indicating whether the cupping has occurred; default value is true (for more, see cupping-open)
Cupping Endpoints
GET /cuppings
GET /cuppings/:id
POST /cuppings
PATCH /cuppings/:id
DELETE /cuppings/:id

Note: Only a cupping's host has access to PATCH /cuppings/:id and DELETE /cuppings/:id

Sample Response from GET /cuppings/:id
    "cupping": {
        "id": 6,
        "location": "2571 Ritchie Plain",
        "cup_date": "2017-07-16T22:52:24.155Z",
        "cups_per_sample": 5,
        "host_id": 2,
        "open": true,
        "cupped_coffees": [
                "id": 1,
                "roast_date": "2017-07-16T22:52:23.155Z",
                "coffee_alias": "6-181",
                "coffee_id": 2,
                "roaster_id": 9,
                "cupping_id": 6
                "id": 2,
                "roast_date": "2017-07-16T22:52:23.155Z",
                "coffee_alias": "6-241",
                "coffee_id": 19,
                "roaster_id": 3,
                "cupping_id": 6
                "id": 3,
                "roast_date": "2017-07-16T22:52:23.155Z",
                "coffee_alias": "6-760",
                "coffee_id": 2,
                "roaster_id": 3,
                "cupping_id": 6
        "scores": [],
        "invites": [
                "id": 1,
                "status": "pending",
                "cupping_id": 6,
                "grader_id": 7,
                "grader_email": null,
                "invite_token": null
                "id": 2,
                "status": "pending",
                "cupping_id": 6,
                "grader_id": 6,
                "grader_email": null,
                "invite_token": null
                "id": 3,
                "status": "pending",
                "cupping_id": 6,
                "grader_id": 5,
                "grader_email": null,
                "invite_token": null

As you can see, a cupping includes invites, scores, and cupped_coffees(AKA 'samples')

  • A cupping's status is determined by its open property. When open: true, a cupping can receive new scores, cupped_coffees, and invites; conversely, open: false indicates that the cupping occurred in the past and is therefore closed to new scores, invites, etc.
  • The client should set the open property to false after all scores have been submitted.

Cupped Coffees

The Cupped Coffee object represents a unique roasted coffee sample, bringing together a green coffee and roaster, to be added to a cupping.

The CuppedCoffee Object
Field Description
roast_date Date of coffee roast as datetime; UTC formatted string works great (required)
coffee_alias Alternate identifier for coffee as string
coffee_id Foreign key of the associated coffee (required)
roaster_id Foreign key of the associated roaster (required)
cupping_id Foreign key of the associated roaster (required)
Cupped Coffee Endpoints
GET /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees
GET /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees/:id
POST /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees
PATCH /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees/:id
DELETE /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees/:id

Note: Only a cupping's host (the user who owns the cupping referred to by /cuppings/:cupping_id) has access to the following:

  • POST /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees
  • PATCH /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees/:id
  • DELETE /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees/:id

A cupped_coffee includes its associated roaster, coffee, and scores.

Sample Response from GET /cuppings/:cupping_id/cupped_coffees/:id
  "cupped_coffee": {
    "id": 2,
    "roast_date": "2017-07-16T22:52:23.155Z",
    "coffee_alias": "6-241",
    "coffee_id": 19,
    "roaster_id": 3,
    "cupping_id": 6,
    "coffee": {
      "id": 19,
      "name": "Heart Pie",
      "origin": "Mount Elgon, Uganda",
      "producer": "Marjorie Cormier",
      "variety": "Obata"
    "roaster": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "Salvia Roastery",
      "location": "Carolview",
      "website": ""
    "scores": []


The Invite object--like a Cupped Coffee--is dependent on a cupping, and may be used to associate users (as graders) with a specific cupping event. Simply send a POST request to cuppings/:cupping_id/invites with the invitee's grader_id(alias for user_id) or email address (as grader_email).

The Invite Object
Field Description
cupping_id Foreign key of the associated cupping event (required)
grader_id Foreign key of the user being invited (required in the absence of grader_email)
grader_email Email address of a prospective grader; to be used when no user account exists for grader, see below (required in the absence of grader_id)
status Indication of whether invitee has accepted invite; possible values include: 'pending'(default), 'accepted', 'declined', or 'maybe'
Invites Endpoints
GET /cuppings/:cupping_id/invites
GET /cuppings/:cupping_id/invites/:id
POST /cuppings/:cupping_id/invites
PATCH /cuppings/:cupping_id/invites/:id
DELETE /cuppings/:cupping_id/invites/:id
On Invite Creation

When sending POST requests to cuppings/:id/invites, the typical request params need only include an invite object with a valid grader_id. A notification email will be sent to the corresponding user.

  • Want to invite a friend without an account? No problem! Just send along any valid email address eg. { "invite": { "grader_email": "[email protected]" } } and we'll send an email to the provided address containing a custom link to sign-up, which passes along (as a query string) a unique invite token which needs to be POSTed, along with required account registration params, to /auth. We take it from there, and update your invite with the new user.
Sample Response from GET /cuppings/:cupping_id/invites
    "invites": [
            "id": 13,
            "status": "pending",
            "cupping_id": 10,
            "grader_id": 6,
            "grader_email": null,
            "invite_token": null,
            "grader": {
                "id": 6,
                "name": "Jeramy Lang",
                "username": "jimmie",
                "email": "[email protected]"
            "id": 14,
            "status": "pending",
            "cupping_id": 10,
            "grader_id": 4,
            "grader_email": null,
            "invite_token": null,
            "grader": {
                "id": 4,
                "name": "Miss Kim Heaney",
                "username": "murray",
                "email": "[email protected]"
            "id": 15,
            "status": "pending",
            "cupping_id": 10,
            "grader_id": 3,
            "grader_email": null,
            "invite_token": null,
            "grader": {
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Earline Lemke",
                "username": "mireille.kunde",
                "email": "[email protected]"


The score resource refers to a specific evaluation of a cupped_coffee/sample by a grader, storing a handful of parameters where characteristics of a coffee are assigned numeric values. The scoring format and characteristics in question conform to current SCAA scoring guidelines.

  • Given that the associated cupping's open attribute is true, a score may be created by POSTing to /scores with valid attributes.
The Score Object
Field Description
roast_level Integer indicating roast level, determined by grader
aroma Decimal indicating aroma, determined by grader
flavor Decimal indicating flavor, determined by grader
aftertaste Decimal indicating aftertaste, determined by grader
acidity Decimal indicating acidity, determined by grader
body Decimal indicating body, determined by grader
balance Decimal indicating balance, determined by grader
sweetness Decimal indicating sweetness, determined by grader
clean_cup Decimal indicating level of cup cleanliness, determined by grader
uniformity Decimal indicating uniformity, determined by grader
overall Decimal indicating overall impression, determined by grader
total_score Decimal indicating sum of all scores
defects Integer indicating defect score, determined by grader
final_score Decimal indicating final score attributed to cupped coffee
notes Text notes regarding cupped coffee, entered by grader
cupped_coffee_id Foreign key of associated cupped coffee
cupping_id Foreign key of associated cupping event
grader_id Foreign key of associated grader
Scores Endpoints
GET /scores
GET /scores/:id
POST /scores
POST /scores/submit_scores
PATCH /scores/:id
DELETE /scores/:id
Sample Response from GET /scores/:id
  "score": {
    "id": 20,
    "grader_id": 7,
    "cupping_id": 3,
    "cupped_coffee_id": 23,
    "aroma": "8.25",
    "aftertaste": "6.25",
    "acidity": "8.0",
    "body": "7.0",
    "uniformity": "9.0",
    "flavor": "6.25",
    "balance": "7.5",
    "clean_cup": "6.25",
    "sweetness": "6.5",
    "overall": "9.0",
    "defects": 4,
    "total_score": "74.0",
    "final_score": "70.0",
    "notes": "bright, full, clementine, molasses, cream"
Batch create for scores

POST /scores/submit_scores allows for the addition of multiple scores with a single call.

Example POST data (note that score objects have been truncated in this example to save space)
  "scores": [
      "roast_level": "3",
      "aroma": "8.5",
      "aftertaste": "9.25",
      "acidity": "9.0",
      "body": "8.75",
      "cupped_coffee_id": "123"
      "roast_level": "4",
      "aroma": "7.25",
      "aftertaste": "8.25",
      "acidity": "7.5",
      "body": "8.0",
      "cupped_coffee_id": "456"

Please note that any errors in a single score will prevent the entire batch of scores from processing. The server returns a 204 No Content response on success, and a 400 Bad Request response--along with an error message--on failure.


The user resource exposes an endpoint for accessing a specific user, as well as a users/search route intended for use when implementing autocompletion in the client.

Users Endpoints
GET /users/:id
GET /users/search
Users search

Queries for users by both email and username. Please send search term with key term, eg. { "term": "your_search" }. Also supports optional pagination parameters: limit, the number of records per page, and page, which calculates offset for records returned (relative to limit).

Coffees and Roasters

The coffee and roaster resources represent specific coffees and roasteries. Typically, these will be referenced when creating a cupped_coffee, but may also be created when new green coffees or roasters need to be added to the database.


The coffee resource represents green coffee (i.e. not yet roasted), such that a single coffee resource may be referenced in many cupped_coffees.

The Coffee Object
Field Description
name Name of coffee as string (required)
origin Origin of coffee as string (required)
producer Coffee producer as string (required)
variety Coffee variety as string
Coffees Endpoints
GET /coffees
GET /coffees/:id
GET /coffees/search
POST /coffees
Coffees search

Queries for coffees by name, producer and origin. Please see notes on users search for further information.


The roaster resource represents a specific roastery or roaster, such that a single roaster resource may be referenced in many cupped_coffees.

The Roaster Object
Field Description
name Name of the roaster/roastery as string (required)
location Roastery location as string (required)
website Roastery website
Roasters Endpoints
GET /roasters
GET /roasters/:id
GET /roasters/search
POST /roasters
Roasters search

Queries for roasters by nameand location. Please see notes on users search for further information.


back-end rails api for 'coffee-grader' coffee cupping app







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