Currently supports JavaScript Flow, TypeScript, and (some) Elm.
For custom types, add the tag, tw:"<CustomTypeName>,<PointerBool>"
Please create an Issue for requests, and include examples of Go types to the requested language.
Does not support: Nested structs (changes to the closest form, eg 'Object' in flow) Interfaces within structs
package stubs
import "time"
// IgnoredField is ignored with @ignore and will not be parsed.
// @ignore
type IgnoredField string
// Example represents most of what TW can do.
type Example struct {
Basic string `json:"basic"` // basic types
Maps map[string]Event `json:"maps"` // map types
Slices []Event `json:"slices_too"` // slices
Pointers *Event `json:"event_pointer"` // pointers
// Event ..
type Event struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
// Embedded is testing an embedded struct
type Embedded struct {
created_at time.Time `json:"created_at" tw:"Date"` // manually overriding field with a name
// @flow
// Automatically generated by typewriter. Do not edit.
// Embedded is testing an embedded struct
export type Embedded = {
created_at: Date// manually overriding field with a name
// Event ..
export type Event = {
name: string
// Example represents most of what TW can do.
export type Example = Embedded & {
basic: string, // basic types
maps: { [key: string]: Event }, // map types
slices_too: Array<Event>, // slices
event_pointer: ?Event, // pointers
$ go get
$ $GOPATH/bin/typewriter -dir ./your/models/directory -lang flow -v -out ./save/to/models.js
$ typewriter -h
-dir <dir>
Parse a complete directory
example: -dir= ../src/appname/models/
default: ./
-file <gofile>
Parse a single go file
example: -file= ../src/appname/models/app.go
overrides -dir and -recursive
-out <path>
Saves content to folder
example: -out= ../src/appname/models/
-out= ../src/appname/models/customname.js
default: ./models.
-lang <lang>
Language to parse to. One of ["elm", "flow", "ts"]
example: -lang flow
default: will not parse
Transcends directories
default: true
Expand embedded structs into fields.
If false, intersection types will be used instead (for "flow" and "ts").
default: false
Verbose logging, detailing every skipped type, file, or field.
default: false
- More tests
- Parse types used from other packages