Welcome to the frontend of CoinNow, a crypto app that allows users to view CryptoCurrencies and potentially buy them.
The development was solely done by me - Nash Vador. And the project's purpose was meant to showcase my knowledge with full stack applications.
I completed this app from June 9, 2022 - October 15, 2022 and I developed this project after work while I was employed as a tester.
Here is the link to the frontend of the application. It is automatically connected with the backend so you can play around with the app.
Here is the link to the live backend of the application. Note that most of the endpoints are set up to respond to post requests instead of get requests.
Here is the link to the backend repository. The backend is built in Node.js, Express, Typescript and MongoDB.
CI/CD - The CI/CD pipeline for the frontend is a lot more straightforward than the frontend, Netlify has their own CI/CD that uses github. So, I used that to set up the pipeline.
API - To prevent CORS errors, I call the third party API (CoinGecko's API) through my backend. Most of my login and signup functionality are implemented on the backend.
Testing - The front end unit tests were done by react testing library. The end to end tests were done by Cypress. To prevent a lot of repeated calls to the backend API(they limit calls to 50/minute), I mocked a lot of the information, taking it from CoinGecko.
- MaterialUI - Since many companies have their own component libraries, I wanted to get some experience building an app from a library.