To start, add the package from the github repo.
using Pkg
The first build is going to be slow as everything is compiling. There are a few large dependencies that I preemptively included as they will be used for future functionality.
The package will run through the build and precompile. Once that is done, use the package and run the install
using JuliaBioUtils
The CLI tool will now be installed in ~/.julia/bin. You can add this to PATH by
export PATH="~/.julia/bin:$PATH"
If you want to permanently add to path, then put the same line above in your .bashrc file
The CLI tool is accessed using the jutils
To see available commands:
>jutils -h
jutils v1.0.0-DEV
jutils <command>
batchdownload Batch download PDB files
getpdb Download the PDB file for a given PDB id.
-h, --help Print this help message.
--version Print version.
To see help for a specific command do
>jutils getpdb -h
getpdb <args> [options] [flags]
<id> PDB id
-o, --outDir <arg> Location to save the file.
-f, --format <arg> PDB, PDBXML, mmCIF, or MMTF. Default = PDB
-a, --all Show all rows of the resulting PDB table. Default is first
10 rows.
-h, --help Print this help message.
To download a single PDB
nicks@DESKTOP-L1DPLD7:~$ jutils getpdb 2hbs
[ Info: Downloading file from PDB: 2HBS
ProteinStructure 2HBS.pdb with 1 models, 8 chains (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), 1148 residues, 9677 atoms
10×17 DataFrame
Row │ ishetero serial atomname altlocid resname chainid resnumber inscode x y z occupancy tempfactor element charge modelnumber isdisorderedatom
│ Bool Int64 String Char String String Int64 Char Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 String String Int64 Bool
1 │ false 1 N VAL A 1 10.39 20.427 13.21 1.0 45.04 N 1 false
2 │ false 2 CA VAL A 1 10.59 18.948 13.104 1.0 43.39 C 1 false
3 │ false 3 C VAL A 1 12.056 18.656 12.771 1.0 39.8 C 1 false
4 │ false 4 O VAL A 1 12.802 19.566 12.422 1.0 41.29 O 1 false
5 │ false 5 CB VAL A 1 9.649 18.332 12.032 1.0 45.28 C 1 false
6 │ false 6 CG1 VAL A 1 10.08 18.742 10.624 1.0 45.97 C 1 false
7 │ false 7 CG2 VAL A 1 9.596 16.82 12.175 1.0 45.38 C 1 false
8 │ false 8 N LEU A 2 12.468 17.396 12.887 1.0 35.63 N 1 false
9 │ false 9 CA LEU A 2 13.855 17.027 12.612 1.0 31.33 C 1 false
10 │ false 10 C LEU A 2 14.217 17.008 11.138 1.0 29.7 C 1 false
If you need the entire DataFrame you can pass the -a
or -all
flag. You can also select a directory to write to using -o <dir>
or --outDir <dir>
to specify the write out location.
To batch download specify the location of a delimited file with a header of PDB
nicks@DESKTOP-L1DPLD7:~$ jutils batchdownload a.csv
[ Info: Downloading file from PDB: 1EN2
[ Info: Downloading file from PDB: 1ALW
[ Info: Downloading file from PDB: 1AKE
if the delimiter is anything other than “,” then pass the -d <delim>
or --delim <delim>
arguments. As with the getpdb command, batchdownload allows you to specify the write out location using -o <dir>
or --outDir <dir>