This is map of south Delhi food locations, We get food location data from Foursquare, it's mobile friendly so keep it saved on your phone!
- Download the repo.
- Just launch index.html.
- The javascript is in the js directory.
- Knockout.js
- jQuery
- A front-end template: Material Design Lite
- Google Maps
- Foursquare
- Autocomplete deal South Delhi location search
- Search produces top fifty results in South Delhi location
- Filter places by restaurant type, Powered by Foursquare.
- Integrated list view links to corresponding map marker on click
- Mobile friendly view hides list and search bar until you need it
- Venue Name, Phone, Address & Checkins help you decide whether the restaurant is a go or a no!
- StackOverflow
- Udacity Javascript Design Patterns Course
- Udacity Intro to AJAX Course
- Knockout JS Documentation & Tutorials
- Google Maps API Documentation
- Foursquare API Documentation
- Material Design Lite Documentation