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Typescript Public API SDK with express.js test application


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Getting started

  1. Email [email protected] to request necessary testing data, including:
  • Test user credentials; a username and a password
  • OAuth-application credentials; a CLIENT_SECRET, CLIENT_ID, and a REDIRECT_URI
  • Sandbox server information; the AUTH_URL and the API_URL
  1. Download your target build from the (releases tag)[]

Note: Alternatively you can clone via git clone [email protected]:narmi/public-api-sdk-ts.git but this requires you to install and run the openapi-generator yourself.

  1. unzip and cd into the project directory
$ unzip public-api-sdk-ts-<release_name>.zip
$ cd public-api-sdk-ts
  1. Install Node.js v22.4.1. This should include npm, but if not also install [email protected].
  2. Create .env file in root directory and set values provided by Narmi, as well as a PORT.
# paste the following variables into your .env file
CLIENT_ID=<oauth client id>
CLIENT_SECRET=<oauth client secret>
REDIRECT_URI=<url to redirect to during oauth2 flow>
AUTH_URL=<url to the oauth2 authentication endpoint>
API_URL=<url to the hosted api instance>
  1. Install dependencies
npm install --include=dev

Note: If you've cloned the repository, you'll need to generate the SDK yourself.

To do this, you'll have to

  • Download the openapi yaml file corresponding to the version of the API you are implementing via curl -o public.yml "<release-version>.yml"
  • Ensure you have Java v17 installed on your development computer.
  • Run npm run generate-sdk
  • There may be a few benign errors during SDK generation, if any of them lead to issues using the SDK please email [email protected]
  1. Build the test app
npm run build
  1. Start the test app
npm start
  1. Navigate to the test app login page http://localhost:3000/login and log in using the testuser account

You should now be able to see the running test app pull data from the Narmi Public API

Understanding How it Works

The generated API creates a series of classes representing each tag of the documenation at as an API. For instance, becomes:

import * as publicApiSDK from "../sdk/index";
let apiClass = publicApiSDK.AccountsApi

Each API must be provided with a configuration object when instantiated for authentication purposes. A utility has been defined at public-api-sdk/src/utils.ts to make this easier:

let api = new publicApiSDK.AccountsApi(publicApiSDK.getConfiguration(access_token, header_secret))

Each API method is defined to represent an operation id from the documentation, so becomes accountsList:

let response = await api.accountsList()

Responses will be promises resolving to typed data structures, allowing typescript compatible linters to assist you with interacting with them. In the event of an error response, the SDK will throw an error instead of returning the unadultered response, so it's best to try/catch:

  try {
    let response = await api.accountsRetrieve({"uuid": req.params.accountId})
    res.render("account", response)
  } catch(e) {
    utils.handleError(e, res)

These examples are taken from public-api-sdk/src/test-express-app/index.ts, which powers the introductory application.

API Rubric

Operation ID SDK Verified Schemathesis Verified Notes/Considerations
account_balances_list 🟢 🟢
account_balances_retrieve 🌕 🟢
accounts_list 🟢 🟢
accounts_create 🌕 🌕
user_transactions_list 🌕 🌕
accounts_documents_retrieve 🌕 🟢
accounts_holds_list 🌕 🟢
accounts_stops_list 🌕 🟢
accounts_stops_create 🌕 🌕
accounts_transactions_download_retrieve 🌕 🟢
accounts_retrieve 🟢 🟢
accounts_update 🌕 🌕
accounts_destroy 🌕 🌕
account_verify 🌕 🌕
accounts_withdrawals_create 🌕 🌕
account_verify_instant 🌕 🌕
automatic_savings_enrollment_list 🌕 🟢
automatic_savings_enrollment_create 🌕 🌕
automatic_savings_enrollment_destroy 🌕 🌕
cards_list 🌕 🟢
cards_retrieve 🌕 🌕
cards_update 🌕 🌕
cards_address_retrieve 🌕 🟢
cards_lock_create 🌕 🌕
cards_replace_card_create 🌕 🌕
cards_unlock_create 🌕 🌕
deposits_list 🌕 🟢
deposits_create 🌕 🌕
deposits_retrieve 🌕 🟢
documents_list 🌕 🟢
documents_retrieve 🌕 🟢
enroll_create 🌕 🌕
enroll_verify_create 🌕 🌕
enrollments_create 🌕 🌕
fedwire_templates_list 🌕 🟢
fedwire_templates_create 🌕 🌕
fedwire_templates_retrieve 🌕 🟢
fedwire_templates_update 🌕 🌕
fedwire_templates_destroy 🌕 🌕
institution_get 🌕 🟢
institution_name_retrieve 🌕 🟢
me_list 🌕 🟢
mfa_list 🌕 🟢
mfa_destroy 🌕 🌕
payees_list 🌕 🟢
payees_create 🌕 🌕
payees_retrieve 🌕 🌕
payees_update 🌕 🌕
payees_destroy 🌕 🌕
payments_list 🌕 🟢
payments_create 🌕 🌕
payments_destroy 🌕 🌕
ping_retrieve 🌕 🌕
subscriptions_list 🌕 🟢
subscriptions_create 🌕 🌕
subscriptions_retrieve 🌕 🟢
subscriptions_update 🌕 🌕
subscriptions_partial_update 🌕 🌕
subscriptions_destroy 🌕 🌕
support_info_retrieve 🌕 🟢
teams_list 🌕 🟢
thread_files_policies_create 🌕 🌕
threads_retrieve 🌕 🟢
threads_list 🌕 🟢
threads_create 🌕 🌕
threads_messages_list 🌕 🟢
user_messages_create 🌕 🌕
threads_messages_retrieve 🌕 🟢
user_threads_retrieve 🌕 🌕
user_threads_update 🌕 🌕
threads_mark_read_update 🌕 🌕
user_transactions_list_2 🌕 🌕
transactions_list 🌕 🟢
transactions_retrieve 🌕 🟢
transactions_update 🌕 🌕
transactions_images_list 🌕 🟢
transfers_list 🌕 🟢
transfers_create 🌕 🌕
transfers_scheduled_list 🌕 🟢
transfers_scheduled_create 🌕 🌕
transfers_scheduled_update 🌕 🌕
transfers_scheduled_destroy 🌕 🌕
users_list 🌕 🟢
users_retrieve 🌕 🟢
users_update 🌕 🌕
users_enrollment_code_create 🌕 🌕
users_enrollment_complete_create 🌕 🌕
users_estatements_create 🌕 🌕
users_estatements_destroy 🌕 🌕
wire_recipients_list 🌕 🟢
wire_recipients_create 🌕 🌕
wire_recipients_retrieve 🌕 🟢
wire_recipients_update 🌕 🌕
wire_recipients_partial_update 🌕 🌕
wire_recipients_destroy 🌕 🌕
wires_fedwire_templates_create 🌕 🌕