An example of running an Open Pixel Control server on ESP32 with FastLed as the RGB strip engine.
- Get a esp32 board and connect to usb
- start the Arduino IDE with the esp32 SDK installed and open the ino file inside the esp32_opc folder
- flash the program into the esp32_opc
Connect any supported RGB hardware to the esp32 and ensure you edit the line #define PIN xx To the pin of your choice. This pin is the data-in pin of the RGB peripheral
Sample clients have been provided for Python/Nodejs/Processing
Just ensure that the OPC server IP in each of these examples is given the IP of your esp32_opc which is running the esp32_opc.ino code in it.
Please feel free to open issues in case you need help with the code or you find bugs.
My project takes the code from the repo and extends it to use FastLED engine instead of adafruit's neopixel library.
- Initial code release
- Added FastLED as the RGB engine. OPC client can control the RGS LED on strips/rings/matrixes
- Added Arduino OTA capability to ensure OTA firmware upgrades.
- added Wifi Manager to avoid storing the SSID name and password on the code.