This is a Quarto extension to provide a PDF template to create handout notes. It adds a header to the standard quarto template, so it supports all the features of this Tufte like handout from the quarto Gallery.
If you want to start with a template do:
quarto use template nareal/nanotes
You just want to add the extension use:
quarto add nareal/nanotes
This command installs the extensions under the _extension
If you want you can specify the version number:
quarto add nareal/[email protected]
To update the extension use:
quarto update extension nareal/nanotes
and to remove it:
quarto remove extension nareal/nanotes
You can use the following metadata fields:
title: "Notes title"
subtitle: "Notes subtitle"
author: "Author name"
date: "2022-10-06"
keep-tex: true
coursename: "Course name"
academicyear: 2022/2023
degree: "Degree in XXX"
university: "University Name"
school: "School Name"
logofilepath: file_path_to_logo.pdf
#mainfont: SF Pro Text # Make sure you select a font installed in your system
#sansfont: SF Pro Text # Make sure you select a font installed in your system
logofilepath: um-eeg.pdf
bibliography: bibliography.bib
Here is the source code of an example file: template.qmd and the rendered PDF file.