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Sudoku Solver

This is a sudoku solver that I worked on to brush up on nodejs and javascript. It is intended to primarily be used interactively through a repl.

However, it is well modularized and it is possible to import the solver and run it progrmatically.

It uses Nearley parser with moo tokenizer for processing the repl input.

It supports a few solving strategies.

  1. Eliminate
  2. Only choice
  3. Naked Twins
  4. Brute Force

Getting started

In your command terminal

    git clone <<repository>>
    npm install 
    npm start

This will drop you into a repl. In the repl you can input and interact with a grid. The

Interactive Commands

The repl supports the following commands

init grid

    init grid <81 digits as input>

Initializes the solver with the puzzle to work on.

The command expects 81 numbers. Unsolved cells should be represented by 0. If there is a mistake while entering numbers, entering init grid on a newline, will restart the sequence.

The command is forgiving of white spaces (tabs, blanks, newlines) while entering numbers. The following are equally valid ways to initialize same puzzle.

          init grid 000100290003020600000090000100008000300071000296000000060000003005000010000504007

          init grid 000100290

          init grid 
          005 200 070 
          003 001 000 
          020 000 005 
          670 000 480 
          001 900 000 
          000 700 300 
          084 050 600 
          100 004 000 
          090 000 007 


The eliminate strategy eliminates value of a solved cell from other cells in a set.

    E.g. When Row 1, Column 1 is 5.  This strategy eliminates 5 as candidate from all other other in Row 1, Col 1 and Box 1. 

The solver automatically applies the Eliminate strategy after processing any user command that modifies the grid. There is no interactive command to use this strategy.

show grid

 show grid [number]

Outputs the grid to the console in a 9 x 9 format. For unsolved cells possible values are shown.

The number is optional. If provided, the number is highlighted in ${\color{green}green}$ for ease of spotting patterns.

E.g. show grid 7

will cause all number 7 in the grid to be highlighted in green.

set value

  set value  <cellIdx> = <value>

Sets the value of the cell identified by cellIdx to the specified value. The state of the grid before modification is saved, to enable future rewind. Applies eliminate strategy after setting the value.

E.g. set value 23 = 7

will cause cell in Row 2, Column 3 to be set to 7

cellIdx: Should be a 2 digit number.

The first digit indicates the row number (1 to 9). The second digit indicates the column number (1 to 9)

value : Should be a non zero number.

Solver treats single digit number as a solve for the cell and propagates the solve.

Multi-digit numbers are treated as possible candidates and the current candidate list is overwritten.

is it stuck

    is it stuck

Responds with a 'Yes' if the solver encountered a conflict while propagating the values and stopped. Otherwise responds with a 'No'.

is it solved

    is it solved

Responds with a 'Yes' if all cells in the grid have only a single value. Responds with a 'No' if any cell has two or more candidate values.

Note that a grid can be solved but still have conflicts. Use is it stuck or is it correct to validate.

is it correct

    is it correct

Responds with 'Yes' if all sets - row, column and box, has each number 1 - 9 exactly once. Otherwise returns 'No'.

reset grid

    reset grid

Discards all interactive modifications to the grid and restores to the state initialized by init grid.

rewind grid

    rewind grid

Restores the grid to the state before the last modification. For example modification using set value.

remove value

    remove value <cellIdx> = <value>

Removes the value from the cell identified by cellIdx. The grid state is saved to enable a rewind.

Cell is interpreted as solved if only one value is left after removal and the solve is propagated to the rest of the grid.

cellIdx: Should be a 2 digit number.

The first digit indicates the row number (1 to 9). The second digit indicates the column number (1 to 9)

value : Should be a non-zero number. Can be single digit or multi-digit. If it is multi-digit, each digit will be removed from the candidate list. Removing the last digit will trigger a conflict and cause the solver to halt.

use hint

    use hint <cellIdx> = <value>

Same as set value, except that a list of hints used can be viewed with show hint history. This is useful, to keep track, when trying different solves.

show hint history

    show hint history

Displays a list hints applied so far.

set debug

    set debug on|off

Solver outputs step by step internal details as it runs through its logic. Useful for understanding how the solver arrived at the solution and for troubleshooting errors.

use only choice

    use only choice

Applies the 'Only Choice' strategy to the grid.

Analyzes candidate values of each unsolved cell in a set, to find any candidate value that exist in exactly one cell. Solves all such cell that it finds.

This strategy will run repeatedly until no more solves are found.

use naked twins

    use naked twins

Applies the 'naked twins' strategy to the grid.

This is an elimination strategy. If exactly 2 cells in a set have the same 2 candidate values, then the two candidate values can be eliminated as candidates for other unsolved cells in the set.

use brute force

    use brute force

Attempts to solve the grid through brute force.

Starting with the first unsolved cell, sets cell value to one of the candidate values and propagates the solves. If the propagation results in a conflict it backtracks and tries a diferent value for the cell. It repeats this, until the grid is solved or iteration limit is reached.

Current iteration limit is 50.

Example interactive session

user@machinename sudokuSolver % npm start

> start
> npx nearleyc -o repl_grammar.js && node index.js 2> err.out

>init grid 
000 100 290
003 020 600
000 090 000

100 008 000
300 071 000
296 000 000 

060 000 003
005 000 010
000 504 007
Received Input 

>mistyped command

>show grid

||    45678|     4578|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||    45789|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||    45678|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||    34579|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||     4589|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||     4789|        6|   124789||     2789|       18|      279||     4589|     2458|        3||
||     4789|    23478|        5||   236789|      368|    23679||      489|        1|    24689||
||       89|     1238|     1289||        5|     1368|        4||       89|      268|        7||

>is it solved

>show unsolved count
59 unsolved cells

>use only choice
  Setting 21 = 9
  Setting 73 = 9
  Setting 75 = 1
  Setting 86 = 9
  Setting 76 = 2

>show grid
||     4567|     4578|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||        9|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||     4567|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||     3457|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||      458|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||       47|        6|        9||       78|        1|        2||      458|      458|        3||
||       47|     2347|        5||     3678|      368|        9||       48|        1|     2468||
||        8|      123|       12||        5|       36|        4||        9|       26|        7||
> is it solved

> is it stuck

>show unsolved count
52 unsolved cells

>rewind grid

>show grid

||    45678|     4578|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||    45789|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||    45678|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||    34579|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||     4589|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||     4789|        6|   124789||     2789|       18|      279||     4589|     2458|        3||
||     4789|    23478|        5||   236789|      368|    23679||      489|        1|    24689||
||       89|     1238|     1289||        5|     1368|        4||       89|      268|        7||

>show grid 9

||    45678|     4578|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||    45789|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||    45678|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||    34579|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||     4589|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||     4789|        6|   124789||     2789|       18|      279||     4589|     2458|        3||
||     4789|    23478|        5||   236789|      368|    23679||      489|        1|    24689||
||       89|     1238|     1289||        5|     1368|        4||       89|      268|        7||

> set value 21=9
Applying.  21 = 9

> show grid 9

||     4567|     4578|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||        9|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||     4567|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||     3457|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||      458|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||       47|        6|    12479||     2789|       18|      279||      458|     2458|        3||
||       47|     2347|        5||   236789|      368|    23679||       48|        1|     2468||
||        8|      123|       12||        5|      136|        4||        9|       26|        7||

> show unsolved count
55 unsolved cells

> use only choice
  Setting 56 = 9
  Setting 58 = 1
  Setting 68 = 9
  Setting 59 = 2

> show grid

||     4567|        9|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||        9|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||     4567|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||     3457|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||      458|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||       47|        6|        9||       78|        1|        2||      458|      458|        3||
||       47|     2347|        5||     3678|      368|        9||       48|        1|     2468||
||        8|      123|       12||        5|       36|        4||        9|       26|        7||

> remove value 11=47
Applying.  11 != 47

> remove value 31=47
Applying.  31 != 47

> show grid    

||       56|        9|      478||        1|    34568|     3567||        2|        9|      458||
||        9|    14578|        3||      478|        2|       57||        6|     4578|     1458||
||       56|   124578|    12478||    34678|        9|     3567||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||        1|      457|       47||    23469|     3456|        8||     3457|   234567|    24569||
||        3|      458|       48||     2469|        7|        1||      458|    24568|   245689||
||        2|        9|        6||       34|      345|       35||   134578|    34578|     1458||
||       47|        6|        9||       78|        1|        2||      458|      458|        3||
||       47|     2347|        5||     3678|      368|        9||       48|        1|     2468||
||        8|      123|       12||        5|       36|        4||        9|       26|        7||

> set value 54=9
Applying.  54 = 9

> show unsolved count
50 unsolved cells

> use only choice
  Setting 44 = 2
  Setting 49 = 9
  Setting 45 = 6
  Setting 16 = 3
  Setting 58 = 2
  Setting 59 = 6
  Setting 13 = 7
  Setting 29 = 5
  Setting 48 = 4

> is it solved

> show unsolved count
0 unsolved cells

> show grid
||        6|        7|        8||        1|        5|        3||        2|        9|        4||
||        9|        1|        3||        4|        2|        7||        6|        8|        5||
||        5|        4|        2||        8|        9|        6||        7|        3|        1||
||        1|        5|        7||        2|        6|        8||        3|        4|        9||
||        3|        8|        4||        9|        7|        1||        5|        2|        6||
||        2|        9|        6||        3|        4|        5||        1|        7|        8||
||        4|        6|        9||        7|        1|        2||        8|        5|        3||
||        7|        3|        5||        6|        8|        9||        4|        1|        2||
||        8|        2|        1||        5|        3|        4||        9|        6|        7||

> is it stuck

> is it solved

> is it correct

Using the solver programmatically

<< coming soon >>



Sudoku Solver







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