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napaalm committed Jul 11, 2023
1 parent 9ffffce commit 2187547
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 147 deletions.
175 changes: 65 additions & 110 deletions src/engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscalerubberband.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscalerubberband.h"

#include <rubberband/RubberBandStretcher.h>

#include <QtDebug>

#include "control/controlobject.h"
Expand All @@ -13,21 +15,36 @@

using RubberBand::RubberBandStretcher;

namespace {

// TODO (XXX): this should be removed. It is only needed to work around
// a Rubberband 1.3 bug.
// This is the default increment from RubberBand 1.8.1.
size_t kRubberBandBlockSize = 256;


} // namespace

ReadAheadManager* pReadAheadManager)
: m_pReadAheadManager(pReadAheadManager),
m_buffers{mixxx::SampleBuffer(MAX_BUFFER_LEN), mixxx::SampleBuffer(MAX_BUFFER_LEN)},
m_bufferPtrs{m_buffers[0].data(), m_buffers[1].data()},
m_useEngineFiner(false) {
m_retrieve_buffer[0] = SampleUtil::alloc(MAX_BUFFER_LEN);
m_retrieve_buffer[1] = SampleUtil::alloc(MAX_BUFFER_LEN);
// Initialize the internal buffers to prevent re-allocations
// in the real-time thread.

EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::~EngineBufferScaleRubberBand() {

void EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::setScaleParameters(double base_rate,
double* pTempoRatio,
double* pPitchRatio) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +129,9 @@ void EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::onSampleRateChanged() {
// TODO (XXX): we should always be able to provide rubberband as
// many samples as it wants. So remove this.
// Setting the time ratio to a very high value will cause RubberBand
// to preallocate buffers large enough to (almost certainly)
// avoid memory reallocations during playback.
Expand All @@ -123,52 +143,32 @@ void EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::clear() {

SINT EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::retrieveAndDeinterleave(
CSAMPLE* pBuffer,
SINT frames) {
const SINT frames_available = m_pRubberBand->available();
// NOTE: If we still need to throw away padding, then we can also
// immediately read those frames in addition to the frames we actually
// need for the output
const SINT frames_to_read = math_min(frames_available, frames + m_remainingPaddingInOutput);
DEBUG_ASSERT(frames_to_read <= m_buffers[0].size());
SINT received_frames = static_cast<SINT>(m_pRubberBand->retrieve(, frames_to_read));
SINT frame_offset = 0;

// As explained below in `reset()`, the first time this is called we need to
// drop the silence we fed into the time stretcher as padding from the
// output
if (m_remainingPaddingInOutput > 0) {
const SINT drop_num_frames = std::min(received_frames, m_remainingPaddingInOutput);

m_remainingPaddingInOutput -= drop_num_frames;
received_frames -= drop_num_frames;
frame_offset += drop_num_frames;
SINT frames_available = m_pRubberBand->available();
SINT frames_to_read = math_min(frames_available, frames);
SINT received_frames = m_pRubberBand->retrieve(
(float* const*)m_retrieve_buffer, frames_to_read);

DEBUG_ASSERT(received_frames <= frames);
m_buffers[0].data() + frame_offset,
m_buffers[1].data() + frame_offset,

return received_frames;

void EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::deinterleaveAndProcess(
const CSAMPLE* pBuffer, SINT frames, bool flush) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(frames <= static_cast<ssize_t>(m_buffers[0].size()));

m_buffers[0].data(), m_buffers[1].data(), pBuffer, frames);
m_retrieve_buffer[0], m_retrieve_buffer[1], pBuffer, frames);

m_pRubberBand->process((const float* const*)m_retrieve_buffer,
frames, flush);

double EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::scaleBuffer(
Expand All @@ -192,43 +192,55 @@ double EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::scaleBuffer(
// enough calls to retrieveAndDeinterleave because CachingReader returns
// zeros for reads that are not in cache. So it's safe to loop here
// without any checks for failure in retrieveAndDeinterleave.
// If the time stretcher has just been reset then this will throw away
// the first `m_remainingPaddingInOutput` samples of silence padding
// from the output.
SINT received_frames = retrieveAndDeinterleave(
read, remaining_frames);
remaining_frames -= received_frames;
total_received_frames += received_frames;
read += getOutputSignal().frames2samples(received_frames);

if (break_out_after_retrieve_and_reset_rubberband) {
// qDebug() << "break_out_after_retrieve_and_reset_rubberband";
//qDebug() << "break_out_after_retrieve_and_reset_rubberband";
// If we break out early then we have flushed RubberBand and need to
// reset it.

const SINT next_block_frames_required =
if (remaining_frames > 0 && next_block_frames_required > 0) {
const SINT available_samples = m_pReadAheadManager->getNextSamples(
// The value doesn't matter here. All that matters is we
// are going forward or backward.
(m_bBackwards ? -1.0 : 1.0) * m_dBaseRate * m_dTempoRatio,,
const SINT available_frames = getOutputSignal().samples2frames(available_samples);

if (available_frames > 0) {
size_t iLenFramesRequired = m_pRubberBand->getSamplesRequired();
if (iLenFramesRequired == 0) {
// TODO (XXX): Rubberband 1.3 is not being packaged anymore.
// Remove this workaround.
// rubberband 1.3 (packaged up through Ubuntu Quantal) has a bug
// where it can report 0 samples needed forever which leads us to an
// infinite loop. To work around this, we check if available() is
// zero. If it is, then we submit a fixed block size of
// kRubberBandBlockSize.
int available = m_pRubberBand->available();
if (available == 0) {
iLenFramesRequired = kRubberBandBlockSize;
//qDebug() << "iLenFramesRequired" << iLenFramesRequired;

if (remaining_frames > 0 && iLenFramesRequired > 0) {
SINT iAvailSamples = m_pReadAheadManager->getNextSamples(
// The value doesn't matter here. All that matters is we
// are going forward or backward.
(m_bBackwards ? -1.0 : 1.0) * m_dBaseRate * m_dTempoRatio,
SINT iAvailFrames = getOutputSignal().samples2frames(iAvailSamples);

if (iAvailFrames > 0) {
last_read_failed = false;
deinterleaveAndProcess(, available_frames, false);
deinterleaveAndProcess(m_buffer_back, iAvailFrames, false);
} else {
if (last_read_failed) {
// Flush and break out after the next retrieval. If we are
// at EOF this serves to get the last samples out of
// RubberBand.
deinterleaveAndProcess(, 0, true);
deinterleaveAndProcess(m_buffer_back, 0, true);
break_out_after_retrieve_and_reset_rubberband = true;
last_read_failed = true;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,67 +279,10 @@ void EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::useEngineFiner(bool enable) {

// See
// for how these two functions were implemented within librubberband itself
size_t EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::getPreferredStartPad() const {
return m_pRubberBand->getPreferredStartPad();
// `getPreferredStartPad()` returns `window_size / 2`, while with
// `getLatency()` both time stretching engines return `window_size / 2 /
// pitch_scale`
return static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(
m_pRubberBand->getLatency() * m_pRubberBand->getPitchScale()));

size_t EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::getStartDelay() const {
return m_pRubberBand->getStartDelay();
// In newer Rubber Band versions `getLatency()` is a deprecated alias for
// `getStartDelay()`, so they should behave the same. In the commit linked
// above the behavior was different for the R3 stretcher, but that was only
// during the initial betas of Rubberband 3.0 so we shouldn't have to worry
// about that.
return m_pRubberBand->getLatency();

int EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::runningEngineVersion() {
return m_pRubberBand->getEngineVersion();
return 2;

void EngineBufferScaleRubberBand::reset() {

// As mentioned in the docs (
// and FAQ (, you
// need to run some silent samples through the time stretching engine first
// before using it. Otherwise it will eat add a short fade-in, destroying
// the initial transient.
// See
// for more information.
size_t remaining_padding = getPreferredStartPad();
const size_t block_size = std::min<size_t>(remaining_padding, m_buffers[0].size());
std::fill_n(m_buffers[0].data(), block_size, 0.0f);
std::fill_n(m_buffers[1].data(), block_size, 0.0f);
while (remaining_padding > 0) {
const size_t pad_samples = std::min<size_t>(remaining_padding, block_size);
m_pRubberBand->process(, pad_samples, false);

remaining_padding -= pad_samples;

// The silence we just added covers half a window (see the last paragraph of
// This
// silence should be dropped from the result when the `retrieve()` in
// `retrieveAndDeinterleave()` first starts producing audio.
m_remainingPaddingInOutput = static_cast<SINT>(getStartDelay());
45 changes: 8 additions & 37 deletions src/engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscalerubberband.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,21 @@
#pragma once

#include <rubberband/RubberBandStretcher.h>

#include <array>

#include "engine/bufferscalers/enginebufferscale.h"
#include "util/memory.h"
#include "util/samplebuffer.h"

namespace RubberBand {
class RubberBandStretcher;
} // namespace RubberBand

class ReadAheadManager;

// Uses librubberband to scale audio. This class is not thread safe.
class EngineBufferScaleRubberBand final : public EngineBufferScale {
class EngineBufferScaleRubberBand : public EngineBufferScale {
explicit EngineBufferScaleRubberBand(
ReadAheadManager* pReadAheadManager);

EngineBufferScaleRubberBand(const EngineBufferScaleRubberBand&) = delete;
EngineBufferScaleRubberBand& operator=(const EngineBufferScaleRubberBand&) = delete;

EngineBufferScaleRubberBand(EngineBufferScaleRubberBand&&) = delete;
EngineBufferScaleRubberBand& operator=(EngineBufferScaleRubberBand&&) = delete;
~EngineBufferScaleRubberBand() override;

// Let EngineBuffer know if engine v3 is available
static bool isEngineFinerAvailable();
Expand All @@ -44,17 +38,7 @@ class EngineBufferScaleRubberBand final : public EngineBufferScale {
// Reset RubberBand library with new audio signal
void onSampleRateChanged() override;

/// Calls `m_pRubberBand->getPreferredStartPad()`, with backwards
/// compatibility for older librubberband versions.
size_t getPreferredStartPad() const;
/// Calls `m_pRubberBand->getStartDelay()`, with backwards compatibility for
/// older librubberband versions.
size_t getStartDelay() const;
int runningEngineVersion();
/// Reset the rubberband instance and run the prerequisite amount of padding
/// through it. This should be used instead of calling
/// `m_pRubberBand->reset()` directly.
void reset();

void deinterleaveAndProcess(const CSAMPLE* pBuffer, SINT frames, bool flush);
SINT retrieveAndDeinterleave(CSAMPLE* pBuffer, SINT frames);
Expand All @@ -64,24 +48,11 @@ class EngineBufferScaleRubberBand final : public EngineBufferScale {

std::unique_ptr<RubberBand::RubberBandStretcher> m_pRubberBand;

/// The audio buffers samples used to send audio to Rubber Band and to
/// receive processed audio from Rubber Band. This is needed because Mixxx
/// uses interleaved buffers in most other places.
std::array<mixxx::SampleBuffer, 2> m_buffers;
/// These point to the buffers in `m_buffers`. They can be defined here
/// since this object cannot be moved or copied.
std::array<float*, 2> m_bufferPtrs;

/// Contains interleaved samples read from `m_pReadAheadManager`. These need
/// to be deinterleaved before they can be passed to Rubber Band.
mixxx::SampleBuffer m_interleavedReadBuffer;
CSAMPLE* m_retrieve_buffer[2];
CSAMPLE* m_buffer_back;

// Holds the playback direction
bool m_bBackwards;
/// The amount of silence padding that still needs to be dropped from the
/// retrieve samples in `retrieveAndDeinterleave()`. See the `reset()`
/// function for an explanation.
SINT m_remainingPaddingInOutput = 0;

bool m_useEngineFiner;

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