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A Clojure's Hiccup inspired macro. At the moment support for inline code execution is not guaranteed. The main objective of this lib is to prevent unclosed html tags.

Basic elements:

The macro `hiccup! receives a mutable string as the first argument and mutates the string to emit the HTML. The order of the elements is:

  1. tag as the first element.
  2. Optional attribute inside the tag should follow the tag name as {attribute1=>"value1 value2 ... valuen", attr=>"value"}. Also, the attributes should be inside {...} and separate each key value pair by ,. The element should be written as key=>"value", where key is a symbol, followed by an arrow (=>), and then the value as a string "value".
  3. After (Optional) the tag name or the attributes {...} you could include [...] that can have other tags, such as p["text"] or regular string values.
  4. Inside the [...] you also can substitute your string for some simple rust code inside a (...). This can bem something like p[format!("{:?}", 3 + 4)] or div[(x)] where x was defined in the outside.

Differences between Clojure and Rust Hiccup:

  • Clojure: [:a {:href ""} "GitHub"]
  • Rust: a{href=>""}["GitHub"]


Add dependency to Cargo.toml:

hiccup = "0.2.5"

Code example with hiccup! macro:

use hiccup::hiccup;

fn main() {
    let mut html = String::new();

    let _ = hiccup!(&mut html,
            head[meta{name=>"author", content=>"Julia Naomi"}
                title["Hiccup guide"]]
            body{class=>"amazing hiccup guide"}[
                h1{font=>"bold", color=>"red"}["Hiccup is the best!"]
                p["please lookup clojure's hiccup for better ideas on this macro"]]

    assert_eq!(html,"<html><head><meta name=\"author\" content=\"Julia Naomi\"/>\
    <title>Hiccup guide</title></head><body class=\"amazing hiccup guide\">\
    <h1 font=\"bold\" color=\"red\">Hiccup is the best!</h1>\
    <p>please lookup clojure\'s hiccup for better ideas on this macro</p></body></html>");

With remote code execution:

let mut html_inner = String::new();
let mut html_outer = String::new();
let x = "inner my str";
let y = "my str2";
let z = "my str3";

let _ = hiccup!(&mut html_inner,
        div{hello=>"inner world"}[(x)]

let _ = hiccup!(&mut html_outer,
        body{class=>"amazing hiccup guide"}[
            p["please lookup clojure's hiccup for better ideas on this macro"]
                div[(y.to_owned() + " " + z)]

assert_eq!(html_outer,"<html><body class=\"amazing hiccup guide\">\
<p>please lookup clojure\'s hiccup for better ideas on this macro</p>\
<div><div hello=\"world\"><div><div hello=\"inner world\">inner my str</div></div></div>\
<div>my str2 my str3</div><p>bye</p></div></body></html>");


  1. Is it possible tu use this lib as an XML templating?

Yes, I added a more generic XML case to the tests recently

fn main() {
    let mut out = String::new();

    let _ = hiccup!(&mut out,
        xml{metas=>"I forgot them all", version=>"any version"}[
            family[name{name=>"Rubiechiov", origin=>"Kazakhstan"}]
            members{class=>"close family"}[
                member{age=>"oldest", color=>"yellow"}["some name"]
                member{age=>"mid-age", color=>"yellow"}["some other name"]
                member{age=>"yougest", color=>"brown"}["Julia"]]

    assert_eq!(out,"<xml metas=\"I forgot them all\" version=\"any version\"><family>\
    <name name=\"Rubiechiov\" origin=\"Kazakhstan\"/></family><members class=\"close family\">\
    <member age=\"oldest\" color=\"yellow\">some name</member>\
    <member age=\"mid-age\" color=\"yellow\">some other name</member>\
    <member age=\"yougest\" color=\"brown\">Julia</member></members></xml>");


Add the feature you included in the macro as the name of the PR with tests

Thanks to
