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3. RNA Seq Workflow_Bash Script
"FastQC aims to provide a way to do quality control checks on sequence data. Within the fastq
file is quality information that refers to the accuracy of each base call. This helps to determine any irregularies or features that make affect your results such as adapter contamination
conda install -c bioconda fastqc --yes
conda install -c bioconda multiqc --yes
echo -e "\n Data Preprocessing... \n"
mkdir -p QC_Reports #create directory for the fastqc output
#Quality Check using 'FastQC'
for sample in `cat sample_id.txt`
fastqc ${sample}_R1.fastq.gz ${sample}_R2.fastq.gz --outdir QC_Reports
#Aggregate FastQC results using 'MultiQC'
multiqc QC_Reports -o QC_Reports
├── multiqc_data
│ ├── multiqc_data.json
│ ├── multiqc_fastqc.txt
│ ├── multiqc_general_stats.txt
│ ├── multiqc.log
│ └── multiqc_sources.txt
├── multiqc_report.html
├── sample37_R1_fastqc.html
├── sample37_R1_fastqc.zip
├── sample37_R2_fastqc.html
├── sample37_R2_fastqc.zip
├── sample38_R1_fastqc.html
├── sample38_R1_fastqc.zip
├── sample38_R2_fastqc.html
├── sample38_R2_fastqc.zip
├── sample39_R1_fastqc.html
├── sample39_R1_fastqc.zip
├── sample39_R2_fastqc.html
├── sample39_R2_fastqc.zip
├── sample40_R1_fastqc.html
├── sample40_R1_fastqc.zip
├── sample40_R2_fastqc.html
├── sample40_R2_fastqc.zip
├── sample41_R1_fastqc.html
├── sample41_R1_fastqc.zip
├── sample41_R2_fastqc.html
├── sample41_R2_fastqc.zip
├── sample42_R1_fastqc.html
├── sample42_R1_fastqc.zip
├── sample42_R2_fastqc.html
└── sample42_R2_fastqc.zip
Trim Galore
is a wrapper script to automate quality and adapter trimming as well as quality control.After analyzing the quality of the data, the next step is to remove sequences that do not meet quality standards. Trim_galore combines Cutadapt (http://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html) and FastQC to remove low quality sequences while performing quality analysis to see the effect of filtering.
The 2 most import parameters to select are: minimum Phred score and minimum sequencing length. A good estimate is typically a Phred score of 20 (99% confidence) and a minimum of 50-70% of the sequence length.
conda install -c bioconda trim-galore --yes
mkdir -p Trim_galore
for sample in `cat sample_id.txt`
trim_galore -j 10 --paired ${sample}_R1.fastq.gz ${sample}_R2.fastq.gz -q 25 --length 20 --fastqc -o Trim_galore
# -j 10 specifies the number of cores to be used for trimming
#--paired runs a paired-end validation on both trimmed R1 and R2 FastQ files to removes entire read pairs if at least one of the two sequences became shorter than the threshold
# -q 25 to remove portions of the reads with phred score less than 25 at the 3' end
# --length 20 to filter trimmed reads less than 20 bp
#Quality Check the trimmed Reads with 'Multiqc'
multiqc Trim_galore -o Trim_galore
├── multiqc_data
│ ├── multiqc_cutadapt.txt
│ ├── multiqc_data.json
│ ├── multiqc_fastqc.txt
│ ├── multiqc_general_stats.txt
│ ├── multiqc.log
│ └── multiqc_sources.txt
├── multiqc_report.html
├── sample37_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample37_R1_val_1_fastqc.html
├── sample37_R1_val_1_fastqc.zip
├── sample37_R1_val_1.fq.gz
├── sample37_R2.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample37_R2_val_2_fastqc.html
├── sample37_R2_val_2_fastqc.zip
├── sample37_R2_val_2.fq.gz
├── sample38_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample38_R1_val_1_fastqc.html
├── sample38_R1_val_1_fastqc.zip
├── sample38_R1_val_1.fq.gz
├── sample38_R2.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample38_R2_val_2_fastqc.html
├── sample38_R2_val_2_fastqc.zip
├── sample38_R2_val_2.fq.gz
├── sample39_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample39_R1_val_1_fastqc.html
├── sample39_R1_val_1_fastqc.zip
├── sample39_R1_val_1.fq.gz
├── sample39_R2.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample39_R2_val_2_fastqc.html
├── sample39_R2_val_2_fastqc.zip
├── sample39_R2_val_2.fq.gz
├── sample40_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample40_R1_val_1_fastqc.html
├── sample40_R1_val_1_fastqc.zip
├── sample40_R1_val_1.fq.gz
├── sample40_R2.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample40_R2_val_2_fastqc.html
├── sample40_R2_val_2_fastqc.zip
├── sample40_R2_val_2.fq.gz
├── sample41_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample41_R1_val_1_fastqc.html
├── sample41_R1_val_1_fastqc.zip
├── sample41_R1_val_1.fq.gz
├── sample41_R2.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample41_R2_val_2_fastqc.html
├── sample41_R2_val_2_fastqc.zip
├── sample41_R2_val_2.fq.gz
├── sample42_R1.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample42_R1_val_1_fastqc.html
├── sample42_R1_val_1_fastqc.zip
├── sample42_R1_val_1.fq.gz
├── sample42_R2.fastq.gz_trimming_report.txt
├── sample42_R2_val_2_fastqc.html
├── sample42_R2_val_2_fastqc.zip
└── sample42_R2_val_2.fq.gz
Reads can either be mapped to the reference if you have a reference genome or transcriptome. If there is no reference sequence, assembly should be done. Hisat2
was used for alignment and Kallisto
for Pseudoalignment. For the alignment step, the gene counts are summarized by Subreads featureCounts
. For pseudoalignment, counts have already been generated thus there is no need to regenerate them.
conda install -c bioconda hisat2 --yes
conda install -c bioconda subread --yes
#Defining the number of threads to be used
#Alignment of sequences to the reference genome using 'HISAT2'
echo -e "\n Now Running Classical Alignment-based with HISAT2... \n"
mkdir -p hisat2
# Download the human reference genome
wget -c ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-100/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz -O hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
gunzip hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
# Download the human annotation file
wget -c ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-100/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.100.gtf.gz -O hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.100.gtf.gz
gunzip hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.100.gtf.gz
#HISAT2 indexing to build the reference genome index
hisat2-build -p $threads hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx
#HISAT2 Alignment
for sample in `cat sample_id.txt`
hisat2 -p $threads -x hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx \
-1 Trim_galore/${sample}_R1_val_1.fq.gz -2 Trim_galore/${sample}_R2_val_2.fq.gz \
-S hisat2/${sample}_hisat2.sam
#compress the sam files to binary format, sort them and index them."
samtools view -Sb hisat2/${sample}_hisat2.sam | samtools sort > hisat2/${sample}_hisat2_sorted.bam
samtools index hisat2/${sample}_hisat2_sorted.bam
rm hisat2/${sample}_hisat2.sam #remove the .sam files for storage purposes
#-x >The basename of the index for the reference genome.
#-1 > the foward reads of the samples
#-2 > the reverse reads of all the samples
#-S >File to write SAM alignments to, which by default its written to "stdout" or "standard out"
#Quantifying Aligned reads using the Subread package's script 'featureCounts'
featureCounts -T $threads -a hisat2/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.100.gtf \
-o hisat2/hisat2_counts.txt \
# -T > the number of cores to use
# -a > the annotation file
# -o > the output directory
#then lastly the input files
#Generating analysis report with multiQC
multiqc hisat2 -o multiQCreports
├── hisat2_counts.txt
├── hisat2_counts.txt.summary
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.1.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.2.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.3.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.4.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.5.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.6.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.7.ht2
├── Homo_sapiens.GRCh38v3_hisat2.idx.8.ht2
├── makeidx.done
├── multiqc_data
│ ├── multiqc_data.json
│ ├── multiqc_featureCounts.txt
│ ├── multiqc_general_stats.txt
│ ├── multiqc.log
│ └── multiqc_sources.txt
├── multiqc_report.html
├── sample37_hisat2_sorted.bam
├── sample37_hisat2_sorted.bam.bai
├── sample38_hisat2_sorted.bam
├── sample38_hisat2_sorted.bam.bai
├── sample39_hisat2_sorted.bam
├── sample39_hisat2_sorted.bam.bai
├── sample40_hisat2_sorted.bam
├── sample40_hisat2_sorted.bam.bai
├── sample41_hisat2_sorted.bam
├── sample41_hisat2_sorted.bam.bai
├── sample42_hisat2_sorted.bam
└── sample42_hisat2_sorted.bam.bai
conda install -c bioconda kallisto --yes
# Aligning reads to the transcriptome using 'kallisto'
echo -e "\n Now Running Kmer-based “Pseudo-alignment” with Kallisto... \n"
mkdir -p Kallisto
# Download the human transcriptome reference
wget -c ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_34/gencode.v34.transcripts.fa.gz -O Kallisto/gencode.v34.transcripts.fa.gz
#Build the transcriptome index file
kallisto index Kallisto/gencode.v34.transcripts.fa.gz -i Kallisto/kallisto_index
for sample in `cat sample_id.txt`
kallisto quant -t $threads -b 100 \
-i Kallisto/kallisto_index* -o Kallisto/${sample} \
Trim_galore/${sample}_R1_val_1.fq.gz Trim_galore/${sample}_R2_val_2.fq.gz
#-t > the number of threads to be used.
#-b > Number of bootstrap samples which by default is zero
#-i > Filename for the kallisto index to be used for quantification
#-o > the output directory
# then the input files from Trim_galore
├── kallisto_index
├── sample37
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
├── sample38
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
├── sample39
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
├── sample40
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
├── sample41
│ ├── abundance.h5
│ ├── abundance.tsv
│ └── run_info.json
└── sample42
├── abundance.h5
├── abundance.tsv
└── run_info.json
echo -e "\n That's All folks!!! Go ahead with the Statistical Analyses in R \n"
- https://hbctraining.github.io/Intro-to-rnaseq-hpc-orchestra/lessons/07_rnaseq_workflow.html
- https://h3abionet.github.io/H3ABionet-SOPs/RNA-Seq
- https://rtsf.natsci.msu.edu/genomics/tech-notes/fastqc-tutorial-and-faq/
- https://learn.gencore.bio.nyu.edu/rna-seq-analysis/salmon-kallisto-rapid-transcript-quantification-for-rna-seq-data/
- https://hbctraining.github.io/Intro-to-rnaseq-hpc-O2/lessons/05_counting_reads.html
- https://hbctraining.github.io/Intro-to-rnaseq-hpc-O2/lessons/04_alignment_quality.html