Transliterate Cyrillic → Latin in every possible way
Transliteration means representing Cyrillic data (mainly names and geographic locations) with Latin letters. It is used for international passports, visas, green cards, driving licenses, mail and goods delivery etc.
makes transliteration as easy as:
>>> import iuliia
>>> iuliia.translate("Юлия Щеглова", schema=iuliia.WIKIPEDIA)
'Yuliya Shcheglova'
- 20 transliteration schemas (rule sets), including all main international and Russian standards.
- Correctly implements not only the base mapping, but all the special rules for letter combinations and word endings (AFAIK, Iuliia is the only library which does so).
- Simple API and zero third-party dependencies.
For schema details and other information, see (in Russian).
pip install iuliia
List all supported schemas:
>>> import iuliia
>>> import iuliia
>>> for name, schema in iuliia.Schemas.items():
... print("{0:<20}{1}".format(name, schema.description))
ala_lc ALA-LC transliteration schema.
ala_lc_alt ALA-LC transliteration schema.
bgn_pcgn BGN/PCGN transliteration schema
bgn_pcgn_alt BGN/PCGN transliteration schema
bs_2979 British Standard 2979:1958 transliteration schema
bs_2979_alt British Standard 2979:1958 transliteration schema
gost_16876 GOST 16876-71 (aka GOST 1983) transliteration schema
gost_16876_alt GOST 16876-71 (aka GOST 1983) transliteration schema
gost_52290 GOST R 52290-2004 transliteration schema
gost_52535 GOST R 52535.1-2006 transliteration schema
gost_7034 GOST R 7.0.34-2014 transliteration schema
gost_779 GOST 7.79-2000 (aka ISO 9:1995) transliteration schema
gost_779_alt GOST 7.79-2000 (aka ISO 9:1995) transliteration schema
icao_doc_9303 ICAO DOC 9303 transliteration schema
iso_9_1954 ISO/R 9:1954 transliteration schema
iso_9_1968 ISO/R 9:1968 transliteration schema
iso_9_1968_alt ISO/R 9:1968 transliteration schema
mosmetro Moscow Metro map transliteration schema
mvd_310 MVD 310-1997 transliteration schema
mvd_310_fr MVD 310-1997 transliteration schema
mvd_782 MVD 782-2000 transliteration schema
scientific Scientific transliteration schema
telegram Telegram transliteration schema
ungegn_1987 UNGEGN 1987 V/18 transliteration schema
wikipedia Wikipedia transliteration schema
yandex_maps Yandex.Maps transliteration schema
yandex_money Yandex.Money transliteration schema
Transliterate using specified schema:
>>> source = "Юлия Щеглова"
>>> iuliia.translate(source, schema=iuliia.ICAO_DOC_9303)
'Iuliia Shcheglova'
Or pick schema by name
>>> schema = iuliia.Schemas.get("wikipedia")
>>> iuliia.translate(source, schema)
'Yuliya Shcheglova'
Command line:
$ iuliia icao_doc_9303 "Юлия Щеглова"
Iuliia Shcheglova
$ python3 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ make deps schemas
$ tox
Development tasks:
$ make help
Usage: make [task]
task help
------ ----
changelog Generate changelog
coverage Run tests with coverage
deps Install dependencies
lint Lint and static-check code
pull Pull code and schemas
push Push commits and tags
schemas Update schemas
test Run tests
help Show help message
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Make sure to add or update tests as appropriate.
Use Black for code formatting and Conventional Commits for commit messages.