- This is Maven project which has pom.xml file includes dependencies.
- Used dependencies: Selenium, TestNG, Log4J, Cucumber and ExtentReports.
- Chrome driver executable file for running local browser, if driver file isn't supported you can download compatible driver version from here.
- Properties file, contains parameters and values used in the script.
- This package has java utility classes used for testing.
- This package has the Bringg page objects.
- This directory has log4J configurations file for logging script steps. test-output folder will be created on running the tests.
- This package has Cucumber features directory.
- This package has definitions classes, test launcher class and TestNGRunner.xml to run the test as TestNG.
- This directory has ExtentReport configurations files for logging script steps as HTML report. log folder will be created on running the tests.
- This directory has a feature file, defined feature file for the assignment is BringgTestScenario.
- Is generated by Maven.
- Open cucumber dir to find the test report (BringgTestScenario.html).
- Open surefire-reports to find TestNG generated reports.
- Is generated by ExtentReport.
- Open ExtentHtml.html file to get Logs.
- As TestNG: find TestNGRunner.xml under test package, right click on the file then select run or run as TestNG.
- Maven: mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true test
Browser | ENV |
Chrome | MAC |