An easy-to-use WebSocket server class implemented in PHP.
The main file WebSocketServer.php has to be included in your PHP file. After that, create a custom class which extends to WebSocketServer. For a test implementation, see exampleServer.php. Make sure to run the script in the PHP command-line interface. An example on Windows with XAMPP could be
- D:\XAMPP\php\php.exe -f "D:\XAMPP\htdocs\PHP-WebSocketServer\example.php" .
The following list shows possible class properties ( property : [type] - [default] [- Comment] )
1. Methods
Name | Arguments | Comment |
Log | $M | displays $M in the console and / or saves $M in the logfile |
Start | starts the server; until then, any option can still be configured | |
Close | $Socket | closes a connection and cleans up the Clients + Sockets arrays |
Write | $SocketID, $M | automatically encodes $M and sends it to socket $SocketID |
2. Properties
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
Sockets | Array | array() | contains every sockets as follows : $SocketID => $Socket |
logToFile | Boolean | false | |
logFile | String | log.txt | path to logfile; only used if logToFile = true |
logToDisplay | Boolean | true | if true, Log() output will be displayed in console |
bufferLength | Number | 2048 | number of bytes to be read from each socket |
maxClients | Number | 20 | number of sockets / clients to be opened simultaneously maximum |
errorReport | Number | E_ALL | |
timeLimit | Number | 0 | |
implicitFlush | Boolean | true |
3. Custom methods - the following methods may be changed by your extending class
Name | Arguments | executed after... |
onOpen | $SocketID | ...a successul handshake |
onData | $SocketID, $M | ...a message ($M) has been received (on socket $SocketID) |
onClose | $SocketID | ...a connection to a socket has been closed |
onError | $SocketID, $M | ...a critical error; $M includes additional information; connection to socket has been closed |
onOther | $SockerID, $M | ...a non-critical warning; the connection is still active |
onOpening | $SocketID | ...a socket has been accepted and added to the public Sockets and private Clients array |