Chlorine patch 2
various cleanups & dependencies upgrade
Make sure you are at version 3.0.1 before running this migration. Run migration commands step by step (copy-paste block is not advised)
cd /var/www/Incipio
git fetch
# Save config file and update it
cp var/key_value_store/config.json ./config.json.old
git checkout var/key_value_store/config.json
git checkout v3.0.2
mv ./config.json.old var/key_value_store/config.json
docker-compose build web
# Update to traefik 2.3
sed -i 's/image: traefik:.*/image: traefik:2\.3/' docker-compose.yml
# Start new containers
docker-compose up -d web traefik
# Cleanup
docker rmi php:7.3-apache traefik:2.0 $(docker images -q --filter "dangling=true")
# Be sure to regularly update your server: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
Comparison between 3.0.1 and 3.0.2
This release includes (but is not limited to):
- Update PHP dependencies
- Upgrade Jeyser base image to PHP 7.4
- Upgrade Traefik to version 2.3
- Fix default logo