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Jeyser CRM Chlorine Alpha1

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@Stoakes Stoakes released this 01 Nov 18:28
· 144 commits to master since this release

First preview of Jeyser CRM 3.0.0, codename Chlorine


This is an alpha release, upgrade is not recommended unless you what you are doing. On a more positive note, N7 Consulting is currently running HEAD of master branch in production.

cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master

# save config file and update it
cp var/key_value_store/config.json ./config.json.old
git checkout var/key_value_store/config.json
git pull
mv ./config.json.old var/key_value_store/config.json

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.old
cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/restart: \"no\"/restart: \"always\"/g" docker-compose.yml
# Update the 2 following commands with relevant values
[email protected]
# Just copy paste the following lines. DO NOT EDIT
sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_EMAIL/$email/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_HOST/$subdomain/g" docker-compose.yml

cp .env.dist .env
sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_HOST/$subdomain/g" .env
sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_EMAIL/$email/g" .env
SECRET=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
sed -i "s/GENERATED_SECRET/$SECRET/g" .env
sed -i "s/MAILER_URL=null:\/\/localhost/MAILER_URL=smtp:\/\/mailer:25/g" .env

docker-compose build web
docker-compose rm web traefik
docker-compose up -d web traefik
docker-compose exec web php bin/console -n doctrine:migration:migrate

# Old Docker images cleanup
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker rmi traefik:1.7 php:7.1-apache mysql:latest


Changelog between 2.8.1 & 3.0.0-alpha.1