The LT Master is a baler-wrapper combination wich can be process a great kind of material, not only mais chaff or grass; in the perspective of the game FS17, this machine can work on fields or in farm, and can process a wide variety of material greatly faster than a conventional baler and wrapper:
- Chaff and grass can be pressed and wrapped for silage fermentation
- Hay and straw can be pressed, and optional wrapped for weather protection
- Woodchips can be pressed and wrapped for weather protection and for a better storage and handling, since LT Master can reduce the volume of tipical air dried woodchips.
- Manure can also be pressed and wrapped for convenient storage and later use as fertilizer.
- All wrapped bales have a greater value on the sell.
The mod use scripts, so will not be available for console, however all scripts are made with care and performance in mind and are multiplayer ready. Here in GitHub the history and development of the mod, originally started in late 2016 from Peppe978 as original 3D model made from the ground, obtained from set of photo and video available from official brand Goweil web site and around the Internet from entusiast customers; In March 2017 fcelsa and TyKonKet started project on GitHub for the Lua script and in game work.
We accept contributions for language translation(even improvements to existing ones) and better 2D images (FS17 stylish only), you can send your pull request and your work will be quoted in the credits.