Using this package allows you to listen for browser events like unhandle exceptions/errors, http success and failure, unhandle promises, etc.
You can use this package to monitor for user activities and sending the events to a server for logging purposes.
npm install activity-event-listener --save
Event Listener
import {subscribe} from 'activity-event-listener';
const options = {
promiseCatch: true,
httpFailure: true
// This function is called whenever an event is triggered
}, options)
Event Listener Options
You can also specify which event you want to listen by altering the options
const options = {
promiseCatch: true, // Trigger when promise catch is invoked. default true
httpSuccess: true, // Triggered when an http request is completed successfully. default true
httpFailure: true, // Triggered an event when an http request failed. default true
unhandleRejection: true, // Triggered when an unhandle Rejection error is thrown. default true
linkClick: true, // Triggered when any html anchor tag (a link) is clicked. default false
buttonClick: true // Triggered when any html button is clicked. default false,
ignoreUrl: '' // Provide the url link that should be ignored (not tracked) if you plan to be sending the events to a server.
Trigger Events
You can also listen for frontend framework specific events and trigger an event.
import {subscribe, options, trigger} from 'activity-event-listener';
// file1.js
// log the event or send it to server for storage
// file2.js
Vue.config.errorHandler = function(error) {
let customEvent = {
message: error && error.message,
stack: error && error.stack,
isError: true
trigger(customEvent, options.unhandleRejection);
import {subscribe} from 'activity-event-listener';
// Push the events to a logging server
const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onload = function() {
console.log('Activity Sent')
};"POST", "/activity-event-log/", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
}, {ignoreUrl: ''})