This repository contains Docker Build files for a Redmine application image.
Main features of this image are:
- Lean image, Redmine Application served with Puma
- Image is based on Ruby Official Docker Image
- Ruby: 2.1.5
- Redmine: 2.6.1
- Posgtresql: pg gem ~0.17
- Puma: 2.11
- Links to a PostgreSQL container
- Postgresql: Tested with 9.1
Tested on:
- Docker 1.4.1
- Boot2docker 1.4.1
It is best linked to a PostgreSQL database container. For ease of use, It has been tested with sameersbn/postgresql image.
On January 25th 2015, I decided to put together a lean redmine container that will use memory less than 300MB. This is the experimentation repository. Currently, This container uses less than 120MB on a boot2docker VM. Linked Postgresql container uses less than 50MB on the same machine.
When putting together pieces of this image, I have referenced sameersbn/redmine image a lot. This image does not even try to be compatible with it and has a reduced feature set.
You can easily use this image from TODO http link
In order to run redmine, these environment variables are given to the container:
- DB_USER=redmine
- DB_PASS=redminepass
- DB_NAME=redmine_production
This is the command to start PostgreSQL container interactively:
docker run -ti --name postgresql_1 \
-e DB_USER=redmine \
-e DB_PASS=redminepass \
-e DB_NAME=redmine_production \
-v /mnt/sda1/opt/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql \
Hit Ctrl+C to stop the container.
This will open /opt/postgresql/data folder on boot2docker for DB persistence.
To start the container again, use:
docker start -ai postgresql_1
In order to configure, you should provide these environment variables:
- REDMINE_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=redmine If given, you can reach with sub url such as http://boot2docker_ip:container_port/redmine
In order Redmine to mail via Gmail account these should be defined:
- SMTP_USER="[email protected]"
- SMTP_PASS="plain_password_here"
docker run -ti --name redmine_1 \
-e SMTP_USER="[email protected]" \
-e SMTP_PASS="plain_password_here" \
-v /mnt/sda1/opt/redmine/data:/data \
--link postgresql_1:postgresql \
-P \
Hit Ctrl+C to exit.
Run this to start again:
docker start -ai redmine_1
You can mount a data directory for Redmine to store uploaded files. You can also place Redmine Plugins inside plugins folder in unzipped form. Container start script will check for removed and installed plugins. Please look into the scripts running.
image: sameersbn/postgresql:9.1-1
- DB_USER=redmine
- DB_PASS=redminepass
- DB_NAME=redmine_production
- /mnt/sda1/opt/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql
image: myukselen/redmine:2.6.1
- postgresql:postgresql
- SMTP_USER "[email protected]"
- SMTP_PASS "plain_password_here"
- /mnt/sda1/opt/redmine/data:/data
- "3000"
This section contains personal notes on how to develop and test the image. You will need to change parameters according to yourself.
Before build please download redmine distribution for version 2.6.1 as tar.gz file and place it under setup directory.
Run as described in usage section.
docker build --tag=myukselen/redmine:2.6.1 .
docker run -ti --name redmine_1 \
-e SMTP_USER="[email protected]" \
-e SMTP_PASS="plain_password_here" \
-v /Users/murat/WORK/20150125_redmine_puma/redmine_data:/data \
--link postgresql_1:postgresql \
-P \
Notice that boot2docker mounts /Users for you into the VM. This is why I give my home directory for development.
Access again:
docker exec -ti mrtest bash
You can check the state for a broken build by executing bash inside the last image. For example:
docker run --rm -ti 7970fe5aece7 bash
- Redmine
- Puma
- Reference Redmine Docker Image sameersbn/redmine
- Boot2docker