This project seeks to solve the problem of late late blight disease detection in the tomato plant. It uses the transfer learning technique to remove the boundary of limited resources faced when training models from scratch. It uses the popular MobilenetV2 as its base model.
The project consists of two servers:
- The CRUD server for persisting user and scan data.
- The machine learning server is used for disease classification.
The CRUD server sends a form of data to the classification server which returns a JSON response to the CRUD server. The received response and some user-specific data are also persisted in the database. The CRUD server is also responsible for user authentication.
NB: Save and load models with the same tensorflow versions. Use the following as a reference: (tensorflow/tensorflow#62363)
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd thread
Install dependencies
npm install
Copy and populate the .env file
mv .env.example .env
Run migrations
npm rum migrate
Run the application in dev or prod
npm run dev or npm run start
Go to the project directory
cd machine-learning
Activate the python environment
- Linux
source venv/bin/activate
- Windows
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements. txt
- Run the program
- User authentication using cookies with refresh and access tokens
- User authorization
- File uploads with supabase bucket storage and multer
- Role-based access control(RBAC)
This project uses some of and follows the principles of both Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design.
i. The Protocol/Application layer is used to receive and send HTTP requests to and from the client. Express routers are used for this purpose.
ii. The Model or Domain contains most of the business rules and logic and is contained within the services.
iii. The Infrastructure layer is responsible for communication with databases, third-party apis, email services and others.
-Supabase bucket storage
-Job Queues
- Node Js
- Express Js
- Postgresql
- Knex with Objection Js
- Redis for Job Queues
- typescript
CRUD Server(NodeJs)
- husky
- prettier
- eslint
- github actions
- dotenv
- jest
- supertest
- jwt
Machine Learning(Flask)
- tensorflow/keras
- pillow
- Flask
- numpy
- Navigate to the scripts folder and run the keypair.mjs file to generate a key pair for RSA use cases(Such as a pair both refresh and access tokens respectively). Copy and place them in the .env file.
cd scripts
node keypair.mjs
- Sample result
Public Key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Private Key:
- Set the dotenv config in the project entry file as follows
import path from 'path';
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../.env'), override: true })
- Deployments
- Do not write queries in the router and service files keep them in the repositories.
- Use pino for logging purposes.
- Checkout the .env.example file for required secrets and keys that are needed
- Postman is used for documentation purposes. To view and/or download documentation, go to the docs folder.
- Unit tests
npm run test
- e2e tests
- Prom-client, for collecting metrics
- Grafna, for visualizations
- Cadvisor for container metrics