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Various scripts etc used for

These are very specific to that deploy, hence them
not being in the main fixmystreet repository.

bin/critical-css - run upon deploy, compiles the critical CSS for the site
front page by fetching it with penthouse, compressing and copying into place.

bin/install - installs node and penthouse

bin/auto-js-update - run upon deploy, uses the closure compiler to create
minified versions of the FixMyStreet JavaScript. The FMS code knows to use
these files in preference if they exist. If the source files are the same,
it copies across rather than recompile.

bin/collect-static - finds all JS/CSS in the FIxMyStreet repo and copies them
to a collected_static directory with a content hash added to each filename
just before the suffix.

bin/govuk-css - used to compile two GOV.UK CSS files we use (radios and forms).
Assumes you have govuk-frontend/src checked out above.

bin/check_fixmystreet - used by server monitoring to see how many unsent
reports and updates there are.

bin/bike-export - generates stats on London hire bike bodies

pwa/shots.js - this will fetch and frame the front page of the provided domain
for use on the web app help page. Run as `node shots.js --cobrand C --domain D
--theme T` and puts screenshots in large and small directories for copying
under web/cobrands/fixmystreet-uk-councils/web-app/ on FMS.

Council specific:
    bin/hackney/ - used to create relevant data for FixMyStreet from a source spreadsheet
    bin/bexley-add-streets-data - adds a UPRN field to a shapefile containing NSGRefs.
    data/bromley_parks.csv - data on Bromley parks

    bin/ and bin/load-mm - used for old MasterMap loading


Deploy-specific scripts for The FixMyStreet code is at






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