Reference setup for The Things Network gateways based on the RAK833 USB/SPI concentrator with a Raspberry Pi host using the RAK833 SPI adapter PCB.
Note that on our PCB the RAK833 module's reset pin has been attached to GPIO25 to allow you to reset the module.
Plug in the RAK833 Adapter PCB with the RAK833 module connected
Start your RPi connected to Ethernet
From a computer in the same LAN,
into the RPi using defaultpi
user (for IP address see HMDI output)local $ ssh [email protected]
Default password for user
Edit /boot/config.txt and add the line below to the bottom to enable the SPI interface (or alternately use
Make sure you have an updated installation and install
:$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install git
Create new user for TTN and add it to sudoers
$ sudo adduser ttn $ sudo adduser ttn sudo
Logout and login as
and remove the defaultpi
user$ sudo userdel -rf pi
Ethernet connection is recommended, if you still want to use WiFi configure the WiFi credentials (check here for additional details)
$ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf network={ ssid="The_SSID_of_your_wifi" psk="Your_wifi_password" }
Clone the installer and start the installation
$ git clone $ cd rak833-spi/install $ sudo chmod +x *.sh $ sudo ./
If you want to use the remote configuration option, please make sure you have created a JSON file named as your gateway EUI (e.g.
) in the Gateway Remote Config repository.
Credits for gonzalocasas and ttn-zh for their installation procedure for the IMST iC880a. Also, that procedure is largely based on the awesome work by Ruud Vlaming on the Lorank8 installer.