Setup ENV for Execute BiT-Workflow (RNA seq + DEG)
###1. downsize_fastq_script(Dir)
downsize fastq-files.
- use:
$sh downsize_fastq.sh <fastq_dir-path> <downsize(ex:1/10 = 10)>
- use:
- to define the list of file to downsize(not need ".fastq")
###2. install_toolshed_tools(Dir)
install stable toolShed-Tools to Galaxy.
- use:
python install_toolshed_tools.py <galaxy username(admin)>
- use:
- to define a list of tools and their versions that will be installed as Galaxy.
###3. setup_reference_and_index(Dir)
create sailfish index and transcriptome.fa setting for RNA-seq to be used Galaxy.
Requirement: Galaxy Master API_KEY (setting ini)
- use:
python setup_TranscriptomeRef_in_Galaxy.py <Ref file_list.txt> <galaxy username(admin)>
- use:
- use:
python setup_sailfish_in_Galaxy.py <Ref file_list.txt> <galaxy username(admin)>
- use:
- to define a list of Reference Seqence files information.
###4. bit-tools_install.py
clone, install and setting BiT custom-tools.
Requirement: remove, move or rename dir "..galaxy_dist/tools/galaxy-mytools_rnaseq" before script execute.
python bit-tools_install.py <galaxy username(admin)>
###5. bit-workflow_install.py
clone, install and setting BiT custom-WFs.
Requirement: remove, move or rename dir "..galaxy_dist/workflow_file/galaxy-workflow_rnaseq" before script execute.
python bit-tools_install.py <galaxy username(admin)>
Copyright (c) 2015 Mika Yoshimura and RIKEN Bioinformatics Research Unit Released under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)