This template is for discovering and monitoring adaptec storage controllers by using outputs of arcconf cli tool. Useful only if you have one adaptec adapter in server (i don't have servers with more fore testing). Now it works only with zabbix 4.2
- Discovery of controllers, logical discs, physical discs, batteries
- Monitoring controllers, logical, physical discs, batteries
- Comfortable changing of time intervals by macroses.
Import template
Create and configure global or template macroses:
- {$ADAP_DISCOVERY_PERIOD} - adapters discovery period. I think you can set it nearly 1d (daily)
- {$ADAP_HISTORY_PERIOD} - period of saving history for adapters data. For example 30d
- {$ADAP_REQUEST_PERIOD} - period of requesting storage adapters data ( adapter,battery state, etc). 1h
- {$INTERNAL_ITEMS_HISTORY_PEIOD} - period of source data for parsing items by json path. Usually 0, but for debugging you can set it higher
- {$LD_DISCOVERY_PERIOD} - logical discs discovery period. 6h
- {$LD_HISTORY_PERIOD} - period of saving history for logical discs data. 30d
- {$LD_REQUEST_PERIOD} - period of requesting logical discs data. 5m
- {$PD_DISCOVERY_PERIOD} - physical discs discovery period. 30m
- {$PD_HISTORY_PERIOD} - period of saving history for physical discs data. 30d
- {$PD_REQUEST_PERIOD} - period of requesting physical discs data. 5m
- {$ADAP_THROTTLING_HB_PERIOD} - period of heartbit for throttling for adapter data
- {$LD_THROTTLING_HB_PERIOD} - period of heartbit for throttling for logical discs data
- {$PD_THROTTLING_HB_PERIOD} - period of heartbit for throttling for physical discs data.
- Copy arcconf utility (you can use version in in place where you store things like this
- Copy adaptec_raid_win.conf in zabbix_agent configs folder
- Copy adaptec.ps1 in zabbix_agent scripts folder
- Edit arcconf paths in adaptec_raid_win.conf.